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Obama Seeks To Put Alaska Refuge Off-Limits To Drilling



President Obama plans to ask Congress to designate more than 12 million acres of Alaska's wildlife refuge as a protected wilderness area, seeking to block oil and gas production.

Alaska's Republican lawmakers immediately criticized the plan, saying it would damage their state's economy.

In a video released by the White House on Sunday, Obama said he wants to "make sure that this amazing wonder is preserved for future generations."

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said, "just like Yosemite or the Grand Canyon, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of our nation's crown jewels and we have an obligation to preserve this spectacular place for generations to come."

Much of the dispute revolves around some 1.5 million acres on the oil-rich coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, long a source of contention between conservationists and backers of the energy industry.

Alaska's Republican lawmakers denounced the Obama administration's plan as a threat to their state's economy, and the nation's energy production.

"It's clear this administration does not care about us, and sees us as nothing but a territory," said Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. "The promises made to us at statehood, and since then, mean absolutely nothing to them."

Newly elected Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said the administration's plan puts "energy security in serious jeopardy." He said "we will defeat their lawless attempt to designate ANWR as a wilderness, as well as their ultimate goal of making Alaska one big national park."

While Congress would have to approve a formal wilderness designation, some Alaska officials pointed out that the Interior Department would immediately begin managing the coastal plain on ANWR, making oil and gas production all but impossible.

In the White House video, Obama said the Interior Department is developing a "comprehensive plan" to protect the "very fragile" Arctic refuge.

Currently, more than 7 million acres of the more than 19.8 million-acre refuge are managed as wilderness, pursuant to a 1980 law, the Interior Department said. They are requesting that another 12.28 [million] acres -- including the coastal plain -- also receive the wilderness designation.

Environmental groups praised the administration's request. Rhea Suh, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, called it "the best news for the refuge since President Eisenhower established it in 1960 as the Arctic National Wildlife Range."

John Podesta, counselor to President Obama, and Mike Boots, the acting chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, said in a White House website blog post that the area "sustains the most diverse array of wildlife in the entire Arctic." It includes the porcupine caribou, polar bears, gray wolves, muskoxen, and bird species that migrate to the nation's 49 other states.

In arguing against oil and gas drilling in ANWR, Podesta and Boots cited the recent spike in U.S. oil production overall, and said Arctic refuge is too special "to put at risk" through oil and natural gas spills.

Drilling for oil on the coastal plain is "a move that could irreparably damage this ecological treasure and harm the Alaska Native communities who still depend on the caribou for subsistence," the two Obama officials said.

If nothing else, leave it for when we actually need it. Leave it for a time when extraction technology is safer and more reliable. And use that time to make extraction technology safer and more reliable.

bird species that migrate to the nation's 49 other states.
This is something that hunters should be getting involved with, in a big way. Bird migrations are big money to the lower 48. And it's also how many people with less money feed their families.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah, I'm not real big on fucking up wildlife areas. I think it's very necessary to hunt, and thin the herds, according to the guidelines set forth by the Dept. of wildlife, but that wildlife needs a place to go to, where it's protected from human intervention, and only natural predators exists.
Yeah, I'm not real big on fucking up wildlife areas. I think it's very necessary to hunt, and thin the herds, according to the guidelines set forth by the Dept. of wildlife, but that wildlife needs a place to go to, where it's protected from human intervention, and only natural predators exists.

Alaska is a huge place. Wildlife are extremely capable of adapting and finding new territory. There have been proposals to drill there that is ecologically friendly and do it within a timeline that would allow for the wildlife to adjust If there were no oil there the commie libs enviro-whack jobs wouldn't give a shit if it opened itself up into a giant sink hole.
Yeah, I'm not real big on fucking up wildlife areas. I think it's very necessary to hunt, and thin the herds, according to the guidelines set forth by the Dept. of wildlife, but that wildlife needs a place to go to, where it's protected from human intervention, and only natural predators exists.
More than that, they need shelter, food, clean water, etc.
Drilling would destroy all that.

Also we should not forget that, even if we don't live in holes, drink water from the river or hunt for our food, humans are part of Nature and if we destroy Nature, some day, somehow, it will affect us for every species depend on the other, inclding mankind.

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”
Albert Einstein
More than that, they need shelter, food, clean water, etc.
Drilling would destroy all that.

Also we should not forget that, even if we don't live in holes, drink water from the river or hunt for our food, humans are part of Nature and if we destroy Nature, some day, somehow, it will affect us for every species depend on the other, inclding mankind.

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”
Albert Einstein

Well, that's sweet! You getting all squishy and gushy over Bambi. God forbid that a giant meteor sets it's sights on ANWAR.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Alaska is a huge place. Wildlife are extremely capable of adapting and finding new territory. There have been proposals to drill there that is ecologically friendly and do it within a timeline that would allow for the wildlife to adjust If there were no oil there the commie libs enviro-whack jobs wouldn't give a shit if it opened itself up into a giant sink hole.

You're probably right...lets face it, bush and cheney wouldn't have given a shit about Iraq and Afghanistan if it weren't for oil, and we know what tree hugging whack jobs they are.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”
Albert Einstein

Michael Caine came to America to learn us that in the 1977 Irwin Allen disaster film, The Swarm.

You're probably right...lets face it, bush and cheney wouldn't have given a shit about Iraq and Afghanistan if it weren't for oil, and we know what tree hugging whack jobs they are.

Yeah but a Iraqi sink hole would have saved us a bunch of money. So tell me more about those ripe Afghani oil fields, will ya?


Alaska is a huge place. Wildlife are extremely capable of adapting and finding new territory. There have been proposals to drill there that is ecologically friendly and do it within a timeline that would allow for the wildlife to adjust If there were no oil there the commie libs enviro-whack jobs wouldn't give a shit if it opened itself up into a giant sink hole.

If there was no oil there, the enviro whack-jobs wouldn't have to care because the corporate overlords and their Conservative government lapdogs wouldn't know the place exists. And there are no proposals anywhere in the space-time continuum that combine "arctic", "drill" and "ecologically friendly" in the same sentence. But yes, as soon as the local wildlife adjusts to air that can't be breathed, water that catches on fire and permafrost that no longer has the molecular structure of permafrost; everything will be hunky-dory.
Will, we have some things politically in common. But I swear if you would for once in your life create a response that didn't include a lone emoticon and branch out with a response that contained at least 50 characters, I might not give you a thousand dollars but I might could be inclined to send you a 50 dollar Applebee's gift card.
Just watched Obama's video that Mayhem posted. That video really tugged at my heartstrings really it did, especially the part where he says that he wants to protect it for future generations. Too bad that he could give a fuck about protecting the livelihood of future generations by not leaving them the tab on a 20 freaking trillion dollar debt!!!!!!!!
But... Wait... Does this mean that we can't plan on a Sarah, Bristol tag team?

Cuz Letterman the president and some other dude all got to bone her (what a champion cock gobbler)


And some blonde politician got in an epic pussy licking ( I bet it tastes like cinnamon toast crunch)


And even her security dude got to drill her (cuz everyone with a dick wants it balls deep in that vag, especially if she's babbling about freedom)


I mean, really, I was hoping Obama's last hurrah was gonna be handing out republican MILFs at the welfare office.

Seriously Thanks Obama!




Grasp it.

One of those dudes is actually a cawlidge edumicated scientist and perfesser too. What in the hell is the world coming too!

Well, a website trying to sell the hayseeds on environmentally friendly oil drilling. If it's on the interweb, it must be true. I was sceptical, but Ralph and Rhonda Roughneck totally convinced me.

Just watched Obama's video that Mayhem posted. That video really tugged at my heartstrings really it did, especially the part where he says that he wants to protect it for future generations. Too bad that he could give a fuck about protecting the livelihood of future generations by not leaving them the tab on a 20 freaking trillion dollar debt!!!!!!!!

Oh just stop it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Just watched Obama's video that Mayhem posted. That video really tugged at my heartstrings really it did, especially the part where he says that he wants to protect it for future generations. Too bad that he could give a fuck about protecting the livelihood of future generations by not leaving them the tab on a 20 freaking trillion dollar debt!

How dare Obama borrow and squander $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000? Oh, wait, he didn't. As a matter of fact 90% of the national debt is actually due to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush policies and the annual deficit has actually gone down since Obama took office, but forget the facts let's make shit up as we go along in our efforts to paint Obama in the worst possible light. Republicans have fought and lost the National Debt battle for the last two election cycles and Obama's two terms only give more ammunition to Democrats.
How dare Obama borrow and squander $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000? Oh, wait, he didn't. As a matter of fact 90% of the national debt is actually due to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush policies and the annual deficit has actually gone down since Obama took office, but forget the facts let's make shit up as we go along in our efforts to paint Obama in the worst possible light. Republicans have fought and lost the National Debt battle for the last two election cycles and Obama's two terms only give more ammunition to Democrats.
Who is regurgitating talking points now? Here's the deal, you don't mind talking points, in fact you love them, as long as they are your talking points. Presidents are responsible for their debt. I can't stand GWB because he added 5 trillion to the debt. But it was Obama that said when he was running that running up debt on the backs of future generations was in his own words "unpatriotic" yeah I know how you libs get the red ass when that tag is thrown at you but those were Obama's exact words. Did I say Obama ran up 20 trillion in debt? Hell no I didn't. But Obama said he would do something about our national debt, he did something alright, It is going to be doubled when he leaves office so he will be responsible for 10 trillion or more. Hasn't done a damn thing to bring it down.

You have had your turn, this president is a disaster and a liar. Time for the big boys to take the reigns again and see if they can put a dent in it. Yeah their track record isn't so stellar but they haven't ran this kind of debt up . That is one of the main reasons I could support Romney, I believe he can do something to tackle the debt. Another point, or talking point is the deficit. Learn the damn difference. I have talked about this so many times I am tired of repeating myself. The deficit reduction is all smoke and mirrors. When you start out the gate with a 700,000,000,000 stimulus package that didn't work BTW, after that the numbers can only go down as a percentage. Just more bullshit from the leftwingers who will never call this president out on anything he does. I have and will continue to when republicans fuck up. How about trying it sometime.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Who is regurgitating talking points now? Here's the deal, you don't mind talking points, in fact you love them, as long as they are your talking points. Presidents are responsible for their debt. I can't stand GWB because he added 5 trillion to the debt. But it was Obama that said when he was running that running up debt on the backs of future generations was in his own words "unpatriotic" yeah I know how you libs get the red ass when that tag is thrown at you but those were Obama's exact words. Did I say Obama ran up 20 trillion in debt? Hell no I didn't. But Obama said he would do something about our national debt, he did something alright, It is going to be doubled when he leaves office so he will be responsible for 10 trillion or more. Hasn't done a damn thing to bring it down.

You have had your turn, this president is a disaster and a liar. Time for the big boys to take the reigns again and see if they can put a dent in it. Yeah their track record isn't so stellar but they haven't ran this kind of debt up . That is one of the main reasons I could support Romney, I believe he can do something to tackle the debt. Another point, or talking point is the deficit. Learn the damn difference. I have talked about this so many times I am tired of repeating myself. The deficit reduction is all smoke and mirrors. When you start out the gate with a 700,000,000,000 stimulus package that didn't work BTW, after that the numbers can only go down as a percentage. Just more bullshit from the leftwingers who will never call this president out on anything he does. I have and will continue to when republicans fuck up. How about trying it sometime.

Tax Cuts + Borrowing to Spend = Huge Ass National Debt. That's been the republican economic plan since 1980. The only periods of deficit reduction since then have been under Democrats. It's your economic policy, stupid, current tax rates are a failure, they need to go up and unfortunately President Obama hasn't been effective in reversing Republican tax policy, and that is about as critical of Obama as I'm going to be in that regard.