The CiC was giving a speech in Chicago the American Medical Association today and at one point made a comment as quoted by CNN: "Seniors who are well-off should pay more for their prescriptions."
This struck me as odd because I thought the Prez thought all people should be treated equally. Why does it matter what someone makes?
The cost of Rx drugs should be the cost of Rx drugs no matter what the "qualifier." As soon as we start differentiating (dare I call it "profiling") based on any (Race, creed, gender, financial status) criteria it's BS.
I guess it's okay if it goes one way but not the other? :dunno:
And then my next question is, who determines that, and what is the criteria for someone who is "well off?"
This struck me as odd because I thought the Prez thought all people should be treated equally. Why does it matter what someone makes?
The cost of Rx drugs should be the cost of Rx drugs no matter what the "qualifier." As soon as we start differentiating (dare I call it "profiling") based on any (Race, creed, gender, financial status) criteria it's BS.
I guess it's okay if it goes one way but not the other? :dunno:
And then my next question is, who determines that, and what is the criteria for someone who is "well off?"