No kissing zone.

Will E Worm

Forget the passionate goodbye made famous in black-and-white movies. If you're meeting someone at the Warrington Bank Quay train station in Cheshire, England, you'll have to move out of the "no-kissing" zone.

The signs appeared one day before Valentine's Day, much to the disgust of passengers.


Boycott :hatsoff:


Closed Account
I understand their wanting to keep traffic flowing,but do we need more laws when a cop can just say,"excuse me, you're obstructing traffic, could you please do this off to the side of the corridor?"
I understand it in one way, everytime i go out i get really annoyed about people who don't just kiss but have to play "lets see who can jam thier tongue down the furthest" and it also makes it even worse when they're the ones in front of you slowing you done and you can't get past 'em.
At this rate we will end up being like the movie Demolition Man where you just pretend your making contact because your not allowed to touch other people.
At this rate we will end up being like the movie Demolition Man where you just pretend your making contact because your not allowed to touch other people.

That is the kind of life I don't want to live :eek:
so many things to be concerned about and this is what some people hang their hat on? foolish, a Kiss is a Kiss and often is spontaneous what can ya do.


Postal Paranoiac
Too bad there aren't more "No Ass-Kissing" zones.
kiss on your own time. If you are in public, get the fuck out of my way, I don't have time to waste waiting for people to stop screwing off. That's one thing that I simply can't tolerate- people who just stand around in the middle of pedestrian traffic areas blocking everyone else who is trying to go about their business.
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Maybe this would be a better world with more "no non-kissing allowed" signs. Sorry I´m drunk. But I stay with my point...:hatsoff:

Will E Worm

kiss on your own time. If you are in public, get the fuck out of my way, I don't have time to waste waiting for people to stop screwing off. That's one thing that I simply can't tolerate- people who just stand around in the middle of pedestrian traffic areas blocking everyone else who is trying to go about their business.

Walk around them or leave earlier so you will be on time.

Or, move. :tongue:
Or punch people in the back of the head while they are lip-locked. let's see how they will like that.

see what happens if you park your car in the middle of the freeway. you will be smashed into by sixteen different drivers, your car will be totaled, and then the police will come and tow it away and then give you a bill for the service as well as press charges against you citing you solely responsible for all 16 other drivers, and your insurance company will raise your rates so high that you won't be able to afford to drive anymore.

Why should it be any different in circumstances of foot traffic?

I'm not against kissing or other affectionate gestures; if you want to get a hand job at the train station or the super market I'm all for it, provided that you can walk and get jerked off at the same time.