Ninja Gaiden II

Just recently gotten a hold of this one and loving it, despite the usual frustration that comes with it. Those of you who have played its predecessor will know what I am talking about.

However, for those of you who have it or as yet dont, Ive stumbled across a problem thats rather annoying. Ive progressed as far as level 10 of 14, the game continues to freeze mid way through a cinematic. Restarting the console has done little to remedy this as it has with similair problems, but from my rummaging around the xbox forum, its the last update that has done it. Whatever they have "fixed" with it has caused the game to glitch majorly.

Means around this involve either emptying your cache to remove the update, or in some extreme circumstances, deleting your gamertag and recovering it again, then choosing not to download the update, this renders the game fixed, but loses the online element.

Just thought I'd bring this to your attentions in case anyone suffers the same FUBAR as myself.
Ninja Gaiden II i love it so much, wow it is very good if not a bit frustrating in places but i think that add to the fun and the feel of the series. have been a long term Ninja Gaiden ?FAN right from the first game that first called it self by that name. ok nowaday and the last two games are 3D i still feel that the game is a true to the orignal ideas than any other games series.

you guys got any fav weapons yet ? there all good and derserve a play through with all of them and i am kinda of liken the duel sword at the mo.
The lunar staff rocks when you have it maxed out, same with the lycan scythe, thats particularly excellent. Dont use the dragon sword much, in fact all seven weapons are maxed out and I use maybe the same two or three over.
When you first put the game into the console it will ask you for an update, if you accept it at varying points through the game, it will freeze during cinematics.

Most consistently it seems to be on level 10, thats where I am and can go no farther because of it. The only way around it is not to be a live member and have had no way to download it or clear your console memory cache to remove the update. Course this means every time you play it you have to refuse the update and not be able to play it online.

Check the xbox forums, alot of pissed of fans and people who (including myself) exchanged the disc for fear it was faulty. The mission download packs have nothing to do with it, just this one update, though no one has a clue what it does.
Good game. Shit camera angles and the game still has the problem the last one had. Making a game "hard" should be done a different way instead of getting hit once by a weak attack and it taking 3/4 of your life-bar down. Thats so damn cheap. The bigger your life gauge gets the more damage they do so whats the fuckin point?
I rented Ninja Gaiden 2 when it first came out and managed to beat it on the "easiest" difficulty in just over a week.
At first I enjoyed the tough difficulty. It's fun to get a game that actually has a challenge. I actually called it challenging until maybe the tenth level when it switched from challenging to 'just-gonna-rape-you'. It was very frustrating, but I did manage to pull through.
I liked the first one, but I have a PS3 so I can not play this one :(

shame !! i just waited and bought a blue ray player instead !!

when you were talking about cod4 on one of the other threads were you playing that on the PS3 as well ?

Sweet info about the update super sweet going to download it now.
Finished it last night. Those last few levels were like a prison movie, it is tough, but im going to try the harder levels anyway! Wish me luck!
ngII was awesome. i love the tests of valor! of course the camera angles suck and swimming is a pain in the ass, but that's just ninga gaiden in general.
ngII was awesome. i love the tests of valor! of course the camera angles suck and swimming is a pain in the ass, but that's just ninga gaiden in general.

I seem to have missed two or three as ive made progress again. Getting the rod of valour was something i had to resort to looking online for tips on how to get, the actual tests are easy, almost embarassingly so. Im back to level 10 again, havent met as formiddable resistance this turn around and this is the warrior setting.

The eclipse scythe remains my favourite weapon, that thing really deals out death like no other weapon.

How is everyone doing on it?