
Christa Omalley RN
Ashey Sinclair Rocks eye would lick her PUSSY! (Aspen xoxo)
/me too. But changing hair colour is reversible, ruining the boobs is irreversible.

I disagree, I think her new tits look incredible. They are probably the best looking tits in porn. Maybe I'm in the monority, but in general I think fake tits look better than natural tits as long as it's a good boob job. They are way more perky and just look better. I also don't mind how fake tits feel either. Squishy natural boobs feel really good but I have no or ken squeezing fake tits as long as they aren't rock hard. I'll take a fake pair of C-DD fake tits over a small B or A cup any day of the week.

By the way, that Brazzers scene she did where she meets with her guidance counselor is incredible. If I could re-enact any porn scene I've ever scene this would probably be the one. To me it doesn't get much better that standing behind a girl and reaching around to cup/squeeze her tits.
To me it doesn't get much better that standing behind a girl and reaching around to cup/squeeze her tits.


Also, I usually prefer natural tits, but Ashley Sinclair looks just SO FUCKING AMAZING top-to-bottom with her impossibly pretty face and perfectly sized & shaped tits. I have no interest in any of her pre-boob job stuff.