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NASA warming scientist: 'This is the last chance'


WASHINGTON - Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action.

James Hansen told Congress on Monday that the world has long passed the "dangerous level" for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and needs to get back to 1988 levels. He said Earth's atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.

"We're toast if we don't get on a very different path," Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences who is sometimes called the godfather of global warming science, told The Associated Press. "This is the last chance."

The year of Hansen's original testimony was the world's hottest year on record. Since then, 14 years have been hotter, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Two decades later, Hansen spent his time on the question of whether it's too late to do anything about it. His answer: There's still time to stop the worst, but not much time.

"We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes," Hansen told the AP before the luncheon. "The Arctic is the first tipping point and it's occurring exactly the way we said it would."

Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer."

This is for the all the arm chair experts which we have some around here who think they know more than people like one of the top scientists at Nasa.
We ignored the warnings 20 years ago and really are doing very little that says we take them seriously now.In fact many are talking about doing things that would just make the problem worse.Like drilling and using even more oil,using more coal etc. etc. etc....
Some think this is all some left wing conspiracy to punish the high consumption rich countries and their peoples.For the life of me I don't see what the motivation for that would be especially on the part of the scientists like this guy.Ted Turner said basically the same thing not to long ago that mankind faced dire consequences and was denounced by some.And a member here yesterday accused me of having must be severly depressed lol to point out the same things here.While I would say I think the problem is the most serious one mankind has ever faced I am not a 20 or 30 something so I may not live long enough anyway to to see the really bad effects but even if I do is it better to just ignore it and act like it's not happening?No I think not as the scientists says we still have time but not much he says.

So what do you folks think we should do? Ignore it and hope these people are all wrong? I have many times said what I think we should do,which is aggressively promote population reduction by encouraging reduction in birth rates worldwide and moving towards a lot of new energy production using mainly nuclear power with also as much as possible from the other non CO2 adding methods like wind,solar etc.While I consider myself to be on the left politically my support for nuclear power is not something a lot on the left support,but they like the people on the right who support using oil and coal have to make some hard choices IMO.We have to have energy and we have to do something about the climate change.Conservation(new cafe standards for cars etc) needs to be part of it but so does new clean energy production.I am waiting and hoping that maybe one of the political parties/candidates will really talk some hard truths to people, lay this out and say lets not think we can ignore it another 20 years.That person would be a true leader IMO.While I don't think McCain is entirely incapable of saying such I do think Obama and the dems is more likely too.Enviormentalists do not have an economic interest in seeing oil and coal not be replaced by nuclear like the pubs and their supporters do,they may have to accept reluctantly nuclear power but they don't lose money by doing that.And I think the biggest opposition to doing anything about this is really the vested monied interests which fund the people who deny climate change etc..
But again and I guess this is the part that people have the toughest time grasping is the population issue.If we don't curb the population explosion it will be difficult to not use every form of energy available.A billion or 2 people even living relatively dirty would have a lot less impact than 7-9 billion under just about any scenario.:2 cents:


yeah! M. Night Shyalaman was right! the mother nature is warning us!!! yeah!!! we all gonna die!!!
From Scientific American July 2008:
The accelerating pace of climate warming in the earth’s polar regions is spurring a new sense of scientific urgency. This past February 28 a camera onboard the NASA satellite Aqua caught a Manhattan-size floating piece of ice shelf in the act of disintegrating. Slabs continued to calve and break up throughout the next 10 days; by March 8 the Wilkins ice shelf, comprising
some 5,000 square miles of floating ice off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, had lost 160 square miles of ice to the Pacific Ocean.
The breakup is the latest of seven major Antarctic ice-shelf collapses in the past 30 years, after some 400 years of relative stability. They include the detachment of a 1,300-square-mile chunk from the Larsen B ice shelf, the disintegration of giant ice shelves in the Prince Gustav Channel and the Larsen Inlet, and the disappearance of ice shelves known as Jones, Larsen A, Muller and Wordie. All of them corroborate temperature measurements showing that the western Antarctic Peninsula—now known to insiders as the Banana Belt—is warming up faster than anyplace else on earth.


Closed Account
One of the biggest problems is the general public. The general public are largely self motivated and have little interest in affairs greater than several streets from their homes. This means that their motivations are about themselves. As such, they will vote for who ever says the nicest things about how they want to live (tax cuts, benefits, social housing etc), and not for who has the greatest control over these issues. This is often echoed in post on this board, particularly related to fuel cost, oil supply, middle east, biofuels, renewable energy and nuclear. I can cite a million different examples and references over these issues of opposition.

What is needs is three things.

1) Trust in scientist to be allowed to do their work, being well funded, well supported and allowed to innovate and commercialise products. Allowing debate, but preventing discreditability in the public eye.

2) Strong government to push things in the right direction. Even though I hate to say this, but restricting the vote. Not in a communist way, but in a way so that the educated will be allowed to take decisions that may not be popular, but for the greater good. Tax response to waste and inefficiencies, and forcing the alteration of laziness towards energy and the environment.

3) Business support so that a positive climate change approach is the route of greatest profit. Something that is already developing, but needs to be accelerated.
With inept politicians and global warming...we're totally FUCKED!!!
The problem is that people aren't willing to believe what is happening, or, if they do believe, they simply don't give a rat's ass because they don't think that it can affect them personally. For instance, my roommates both claim that they understand what is happening to the world, yet they continue to produce more waste in 1 day than an entire village in a third-world country would produce in 1 week. They have recently started buying styrofoam plates because they're too lazy to wash their dishes. Hello-o!?! Styrofoam isn't biodegradable! If they're really so aware of the problem, then why do they allow their fucking laziness to get in the way of doing something? Also, we've been warned by the power company that, due to a power shortage in our area, we must cut back our energy consumption by 15% or face surcharges. I relayed the message to my roommates, but they continue to not give a flying fuck, leaving on lights and tv's even if they leave the house and know they aren't coming back for a few hours. If there are thousands of people like them, and there are, it's no wonder the planet is going to hell in a hand basket on a rocket ship.


James Hansen is a whack job propagandist with a special interest and everybody in those circles (ha ha) know it. :thefinger ;) And no, he himself is not the collective embodiment of NASA.

Special Interest . . Special Interest . . Special Interest.

Nothing new under the sun, moon and stars lol !
There's always going to minority percentage of people who appear dogmatic in the belief that global warming actually exists, however, it's the ends that they seek. They're the type who are miserable because there are others more well to do than themselves.

:nanner: Red Diaper Babies :bowdown:
Bring it all down man !
Got an xtra joint ?
Y2K is going to cripple the world as well
Didn't the founder of the Weather Channel dispel this whole global warming myth?

You are refering to John Coleman who while he does say he thinks it is a "hoax" has offered nothing to back that up.And his credentials are nothing compared to Hansen from Nasa.Coleman is a TV weatherman not a scientist.

From the link in my original post.

"The year of Hansen's original testimony was the world's hottest year on record. Since then, 14 years have been hotter, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."

That is a fact not just speculation and yet some still think it can be denied.
But then again I think there is still a group called the "flat earth society" as well as some who deny evolution so peoples ability to deny facts obviously is nothing new.
"The world will be 11 degrees colder in the year 2000 (this is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age),"
Kenneth Watt, speaking at Swarthmore University, April 19, 1970.

"By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half..."
Life magazine, January 1970.

"...civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,"
Biologist George Wald, Harvard University, April 19, 1970.

You are refering to John Coleman who while he does say he thinks it is a "hoax" has offered nothing to back that up.And his credentials are nothing compared to Hansen from Nasa.Coleman is a TV weatherman not a scientist.

From the link in my original post.

"The year of Hansen's original testimony was the world's hottest year on record. Since then, 14 years have been hotter, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."

That is a fact not just speculation and yet some still think it can be denied.
But then again I think there is still a group called the "flat earth society" as well as some who deny evolution so peoples ability to deny facts obviously is nothing new.

Perhaps it is a fact that it is hot but that fact doesn't mean that we caused it or can reverse it. I still harken back to the fact that when the Vikings settled Greenland in the Medieval Warming Period (around 900 AD I think) they grew crops and raised cattle. It was so much warmer there that the Inuits had pulled further north and were not seen for hundreds of years before it got colder again. What explains that? Not the activities of man for sure. It happened without our input then, so why not now?
i have an idea on July 14th lets all observe a day of no emissions
no driving to work, no riding a bus, no eating beans

just stay at home and meet here and discuss the monumental impact we are having by helping the "earth"
Global Warming is THE BIGGEST sham ever perpetrated on the world!!!

The same figures that were given algore for his "inconvenient myth" were ADMITTED to have been tampered with to MAKE A POINT!!!

The mean temp of the planet has been in a steady decline for ten years. Another couple years it will inch on back up some. There is a new catch all term for this phenomenon, "Climate Change". Kinda covers it all doesn't it???

I personally prefer the OLD Term we used before all these alarmists, and con men.

It used to be called WEATHER!!!!

FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL. You get paid enough to come up to a conclusion and you WILL find it.


Retired Mod
Another conspiracy theorist.

I'm looking at PBS right now and they are showing (with pictures) how 50% of the glaciers in the Himalayas have disappeared and that by 2035 80% will have disappeared. Chinese officials predict 250 million people in China will have little water because of the disappearance of the glaciers, which supply all the major rivers in China with water. All due to climate changes caused by the reduction in the ozone layer and global warming, according to the Chinese.

The problem is that people like the above who say it's just weather think that the climate will change and we will adapt to it. Unfortunately, it's predicted that the climate will change and continue to change until it's not possible to adapt.
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just remember we only have a very very very short amount of time on the planet to judge global trends
millions of years ago (unless your from kansas) the earth was a seething pit of lava and molten rock

then millions of years later it was frozen solid
im just saying we havent got much to base opinions upon regarding something we really know nothing about