Pretty good, you got two of the four.
There are some perks to owning a porn company.
[B][URL=" said:Ashli Orion[/URL][/B], post: 3837362, member: 193913"]ahahaha :nanner: porno dan is a *[]D*[]*[]V[]*[]D* oooh snap
I told Jeff Mike not to pay me, I had way too much fun there to get paid.
You don't sound like a very smart businessman. But hey, you were in only one of ELEVEN reverse bukkakes, that's quite an exclusive club. For instance, I'm one of only 11 people in my apartment complex to get DISH Network. I know how you feel.
Weird - ask a guy if they love splatting a gal in the face and it's a unanimous "hell ya!"
But you don't hear the starletts expressing glee at the prospect of getting a revenge splat in.