Must have had some major dirt on the Clintons...

New York judge found dead in Hudson River

In a tightly reasoned decision, she determined that nonbiological parents did have standing to seek custody if they showed “by clear and convincing evidence that all parties agreed to conceive a child and to raise the child together.”

Thinking here she knew something about Chelsea being Hubbell's kid. But this could go even deeper than that.
No word yet on whether she liked pizza. Stay tuned...


Hiliary 2020
Nah everybody knows who her real father is. Can't kill everyone in DC.
I'm pretty sure that Seth wasnt the leaker after all, it was Shelsea.
She had means, motive, and opportunidad.
Sources say she asked her mom for a few million to redecorate her 10 million dollar pad in NYC and mom told her to wait a few weeks.
Which brought back the trauma of not getting that gold plated Malibu Barbie when she was 9.
Enraged Shelsea immediately contacted Guccifer and spilled her guts.
Dollars to donuts she believed Sharia Law is superior to constitutional law.
While the Clinton jab is humorous, what exactly has Hillary Clinton ever done to prove that she is trustworthy and entitled to the benefit of the doubt in anything.

All she does is lie.

Will E Worm

How is she a Muslim?

Abdus-Salaam took her first husband's surname, and retained it during her professional career. Her second husband, James Hatcher, was the son of Andrew Hatcher, who worked as a press officer for John F. Kennedy. Her third husband, Gregory A. Jacobs, whom she married in June 2016, was a Christian priest within the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.

She married a Christian. I suspect murder.

Quran (5:51) - "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
Not atsonishing at all. Was it predictable? Yes, very. Like most of former Clinton's associates who turned up sooner or later dead
Liberals are always at their most entertaining when they are setting their hair on fire..



Yes big loller indeed :yesyes: for the libtards most of the murders are ruled out as suicide :rolleyes::wtf: gotta love the libtard logic, isn't it?
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Keep bleating the hate.
Makes you easy to control.

Stop being such a stubborn an blind to the bone Obama muppet, the Clinton were sell outs and are involved in more than murders than one can think of. If you are so out to of touch with the reality, it is your fault, not mine.
Not atsonishing at all. Was it predictable? Yes, very. Like most of former Clinton's associates who turned up sooner or later dead

Georges, this thread was posted as SATIRE :)
There isn't any evidence to indicate, nor is there even anyone suggesting, that the Clintons are involved in this death :)
I just made it up, all by myself, for fun :)
Why? Because it seems like whenever anybody dies suspiciously in New York, Arkansas or DC the Clinton body bag believers automatically, at the slightest suggestion, with no evidence necessary, add them to the Clinton death toll, just as you did here.
Georges, this thread was posted as SATIRE :)
There isn't any evidence to indicate, nor is there even anyone suggesting, that the Clintons are involved in this death :)
I just made it up, all by myself, for fun :)
Why? Because it seems like whenever anybody dies suspiciously in New York, Arkansas or DC the Clinton body bag believers automatically, at the slightest suggestion, with no evidence necessary, add them to the Clinton death toll, just as you did here.
To justify their raging anger for any opinion that dares conflict with their own they invent a narrative built donkey from fiction.
There is no common ground, if you don't follow their dogma to the letter you are an outsider and of no use to them.
You are 'Unamerican' if you dare to exercise your own thought or will.
Pathetic really because in the end they scream from a position of insecurity and weakness not of reality or strength.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I fully support the drowning of Clinton associates. Maybe we can get the big donors together for a party on Robert Wagner's boat.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When all else fails, bring up Hilldebeast and you know I'll come running. Maybe we can convince her to take a drive with one of the Kennedys near Chappaquiddick.