Movies You Have Seen Lately That Really Suck


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Do not rent or see the Collector, one of the guys that created Saw did this one and it was fucking awful. Pretty much he took the Gimp from Pulp Fiction and put him in this movie as the killer, it's pretty much like Saw and the ending you can see coming a mile away...I should have paid closer attention to my Netflix queue, and deleted it off my list...Anyone else see some pretty bad movies?
2012 and Men Who Stare at Goats

Those films are unadulterated crap.
Repo Men

It had good actors and decent production, but that couldn't save it from bad writing, bad editing, and bad dialogue.


Closed Account
Green Street, or Green Street Hooligans (in the US)

I would rather fall of a bus, or get hit by a bridge than watch that dog shit again


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
BoonDock Saints 2; This movie sucked hot ass.
I almost shut it off 20 minutes in.