Motherfucking motherfucker!!!!

Yes, you guessed it, I'm pissed off.

The reason for this is my computer. The god damned thing is driving me crazy. Seriously, the bastard is "THIS" close to a good beating.

The little pissant has been getting slower and slower for a number of weeks now.

While I am (attempting to) type this message, the little assfucker is going absolutely insane, because there are little emoticons on the right side of the screen, and some of them ARE MOVING! Obviously, the little shit stain of a computer can't handle things that move.

You should hear the fan! It sounds a little bit like a jet fighter. A fucking stupid retarded jet fighter. (No offense intended towards retarded people).

So anyway, I shall now proceed to do a total reinstall of my OS. I don't know if that is the problem, but it probably won't hurt. (If it does, I shall hurt it right back)!

I will attempt to do this total reinstall while drinking huge amounts of beer. Let's face it, beer makes everything better.

I know how you guys like to be kept up to date on every little detail of my life, so I thought I'd better post this.

If you never hear from me again, it's probably because:

1: I no longer have a working computer.

2: I went insane whith rage, and killed both the computer and myself.

3: I'm busy f***ing Pamela Anderson. Less likely, I know, but you'll never know, will you!?

I'm gonna try one of those stupid emoticons, just to really fuck whith that little fucktoy of a computer:



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That was over 15 years ago.
Admittedly, there are other girls, gorgeous sexy sweet little teenaged fuck dreams, but somehow, Pamela is still very high on my list.
download Malwarebytes and run that ...

good luck with the fixing ...

and the fucking :laugh: :o
download Malwarebytes and run that ...

good luck with the fixing ...

and the fucking :laugh: :o

Thanks, I'm running the scan now. No Pamela in sight, though. Go figure.

I tried to watch the latest episode of "Burn notice" (350 mb), but my dear old computer went completely totally insane. It litterally tried to rip off it's own head, and assfuck itself to death with it. Seriously, the damned thing was hopping around on the floor. I had to get a lasso, and tie the bitch down. (I think she liked it).
download Malwarebytes and run that ...

good luck with the fixing ...

and the fucking :laugh: :o

I ran the scan (hey, that rimes!), and this is what came up:

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Database version: 7393

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702

2011-08-07 17:09:01
mbam-log-2011-08-07 (17-09-01).txt

Scan type: Quick scan
Objects scanned: 150256
Time elapsed: 26 minute(s), 8 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0
Memory Modules Infected: 0
Registry Keys Infected: 0
Registry Values Infected: 0
Registry Data Items Infected: 0
Folders Infected: 0
Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

So absolutely nothing. My problem could very well be hardware related.

Just buy a new one. Surely you could get an ok one for a good price, or al least one that works.

I wish I could afford it! Oh, how I wish it! But I have no job, and a huge fucking tax debt that I'll have to pay any week now.

When I do get the money to buy a new one this little ****** of a ***** will get the beating of the century, though! I will go completely "Office space" on it.

just re-load windows. It's the only way you'll win.

Hmmm. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "reload windows"? Do you mean re install?
Try spybot search and destroy (free to download and use) and hitman pro 5 (one month free use) which found and removed a lot of nasty viruses for me. Maybe remove programs you don't use anymore or much, go to start, then control panel and then add/remove programs
I will attempt to do this total reinstall while drinking huge amounts of beer. Let's face it, beer makes everything better.

just poor some beer into the computer, i heard that helps.
it's probably just pissed, that it doesn't get any (of the beer)...

yep, could be hardware-related. how old is the machine ...
Try spybot search and destroy (free to download and use) and hitman pro 5 (one month free use) which found and removed a lot of nasty viruses for me. Maybe remove programs you don't use anymore or much, go to start, then control panel and then add/remove programs

Thanks! I ran spybot, and it found nothing, I'll try Hitman pro 5 next!

yep, could be hardware-related. how old is the machine ...


The computer is really old and crappy. It's something that I kind of put together with parts from even older computers. (HEY, DO YOU THINK MAYBE THAT EXPLAINS IT?)

It has worked flawlessly up until a few weeks ago, though. Then it went downhill, fast.
Time to swear again: The little bucket of pussy-slime makes me so incredibly angry, that....

OK, I think I need to breathe now.

I'll get back to you in a while. Or not.
Thanks! I ran spybot, and it found nothing, I'll try Hitman pro 5 next!


The computer is really old and crappy. It's something that I kind of put together with parts from even older computers. (HEY, DO YOU THINK MAYBE THAT EXPLAINS IT?)

It has worked flawlessly up until a few weeks ago, though. Then it went downhill, fast.
Time to swear again: The little bucket of pussy-slime makes me so incredibly angry, that....

OK, I think I need to breathe now.

I'll get back to you in a while. Or not.

oops !:surprise: to wit: get yourself a new machine my friend. a nice Sandy Bridge with an i5 or i7 processor :thumbsup: u won't look back ....:goodpost: and no more of this :

:hairpull::brick::bang: :crash:

[:2 cents::D:clap: ;) ]

enough emoticons for u ? :laugh: ;)
OK, it took me a little longer then I thought it would, but now I'm actually doing it!

I'm thinking about it a little bit like ripping that *********'s soul out. It somehow feels better that way.

That didn't go so well.

The stupid fucking little asscunt of a OS refuses to accept the activation key. It's the same key that worked last time I installed that mother fucking shit of a OS, but NOOOOOO!

I'm on my mother's computer now, and this thing sucks even more ass than mine did.
Good luck with whatever happens, man. I recently went through a very similar scenario with my computer so I know how annoying it can be.