Arab hotel unveils 'most expensive Christmas tree ever'
When Western governments and institutes in the West, suffering from acute case of political correctness, are at odds with the Christmas and are attempting to replace it with "holidays" or "season", a Muslim country displays 'most expensive Christmas tree ever'. Is it irony or what?
Don't forget it is an Arab country which, according to WikiLeaksed cabals, is is one of the prominent financiers of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
When Western governments and institutes in the West, suffering from acute case of political correctness, are at odds with the Christmas and are attempting to replace it with "holidays" or "season", a Muslim country displays 'most expensive Christmas tree ever'. Is it irony or what?
Don't forget it is an Arab country which, according to WikiLeaksed cabals, is is one of the prominent financiers of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.