Most Americans in Decade Project Economy Will Get Better

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When we faced the most powerful military force on Earth to win our independence and later, when we were fighting each other over the basic principles of what this republic should look like going forward, the people who carved the path forward never gave up. In their mind's eye, they always saw a better day. Or as my grandfather said, the same heat that melts butter, tempers steel. You just have to figure out if your spirit is made of butter or steel. IMO, this new report simply confirms that even in the roughest of times, there will always be enough optimistic Americans to get the job done - and that number is now growing again. :clap: So either by politely asking them to move aside or by laying a hand on their chest and shoving them out of the way, we will not let the Chicken Little types get in our way. We have work to do. We don't have time to stand around and talk to Debbie Downer street corner preachers, who predict the end of the world every day.

It's not about politics or who is (or isn't) President. It's about who were are and what we believe in our hearts. Butter... or steel?!

My people! :yesyes: SPQA

Long live the Republic!!! :nanner:

Bloomberg Financial News: More Americans this month said the world’s largest economy will improve than at any time in the past decade, led by a surge among Democrats following the re- election of President Barack Obama.

The share of households projecting the economy will get better rose to 37 percent in November, the highest since March 2002, propelling the Bloomberg monthly consumer expectations gauge to 4 from minus 7. Jobless claims fell last week, while the index of leading economic indicators advanced in October, other reports showed.

“The outlook is better than it has been over the last three or four years -- that’s what Bernanke told us yesterday,” said Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Group in New York, who correctly projected the 0.2 percent rise in the leading index. “The recovery is gaining momentum. When the fiscal cliff is sorted out, I think growth will go up.”

A budding housing recovery is helping to shore up household wealth. New-home construction climbed to a four-year high in October, the Commerce Department said yesterday. Sales of existing homes were stronger than forecast last month, and an index of homebuilder sentiment rose in November to a six-year high.

Will E Worm

Obama voters who don't know a thing about how the economy works.

Obama phone. Link

"He Gave Us A Phone, He's Going to do More"

An economy nor a country can survive giving things away. Bread and circuses do not work.
Obama voters who don't know a thing about how the economy works.
Yep !
Obama phone is an hoax, we told you many times that it's more a Reagan Phone or a Bush Phone than an Obama Phone

So, you're complaining because, like Obama voters, you think he's gonna give 'em things. Buth you and these people are wrong, he won't.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Obama voters who don't know a thing about how the economy works.

Obama phone.

"He Gave Us A Phone, He's Going to do More"

An economy nor a country can survive giving things away. Bread and circuses do not work.

Sour grapes aren't very tasty, in my opinion, Will. At what point will the radical right stop feasting on them? :dunno:

We're moving forward again, Will. It's time to either get on the train or stand on the tracks. Healthy opposition to the President and his party are fine... actually necessary. But continually dredging up fallacies and rather goofy conspiracy theories will just guarantee the GOP national election losses well into the future. The American people simply don't have time for that sort of foolishness. If the GOP isn't careful, it will be left behind in the dustbin of history, right beside the Whigs and the Know-Nothing parties.

Will E Worm

Sour grapes aren't very tasty, in my opinion, Will. At what point will the radical right stop feasting on them? :dunno:

We're moving forward again, Will. It's time to either get on the train or stand on the tracks. Healthy opposition to the President and his party are fine... actually necessary. But continually dredging up fallacies and rather goofy conspiracy theories will just guarantee the GOP national election losses well into the future. The American people simply don't have time for that sort of foolishness. If the GOP isn't careful, it will be left behind in the dustbin of history, right beside the Whigs and the Know-Nothing parties.

Sour grapes? The same thing can be said about liberals when Bush was in office.

Radical right? :facepalm:

When Obama is gone and we take America back, our nation can heal. I hope.

Those who like Obama can leave.
Experts say economy should grow despite who wins White House in Nov.
By Vicki Needham - 09/02/12 05:00 AM ET

The economy could churn out 12 million jobs in the next four years regardless of who wins the White House in November, economists said.

It’s a prediction in line with a promise made by the GOP presidential ticket.

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan each pledged in their speeches during the GOP convention that they would create 12 million jobs over the next four years with a series of familiar policies that include reducing regulatory and tax burdens on small businesses and ramping up international trade.

Despite the slowly healing job market, Romney and Ryan have ignored the danger of going out at least part of the way on a political limb, with forecasts of a much faster pace of job growth on their side.

"Most forecasts for employment growth are very close to 12 million over the next four years regardless of who wins the presidency," Mark Zandi, chief economist with Moody's Analytics, told The Hill.

Creating that many jobs in the next four years "is very doable," he said.

President Obama has learned the hard way in making promises on jobs, after ensuring that an $800 billion economic stimulus package in 2009 would "save or create" 2.5 million jobs and drop the unemployment rate down to about 6 percent by now. Since then, the White House has shied away from making specific job creation predictions.

Meanwhile, the Romney campaign, as well as congressional Republicans, have seized on the White House's failure to lower the jobless rate, making it central to their argument as to why Obama's policies have hampered a stronger recovery and why he should be denied a second term.

Obama will likely argue next week at the Democratic National Convention that electing Romney would return the country to the same Republican policies that mired the nation in a deep economic hole.

Republicans argue that not only did the Obama administration miss the mark on the jobless rate, which has remained stuck above 8 percent for the bulk of his presidency, but he has also failed to make headway on creating enough jobs to make up for those lost during the recession.

"And unlike the president, I have a plan to create 12 million new jobs," Romney said Thursday night in a speech where he accepted the GOP nomination.

Romney outlined five steps including, energy independence by 2020; updating workers skills and giving parents school choice; forging new trade agreements and leveling "unmistakable consequences" for violating trade rules; helping small businesses by reducing taxes and regulations; and cutting the deficit and balancing the budget by repealing Obama's signature healthcare law.

When it comes to the Romney-Ryan vow, Keith Hall of George Mason University’s Mercatus Center and the former head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which produces monthly job and other data, said while there is some "ambition" in creating that many jobs over four years, it is certainly possible if the economy starts "clicking on all cylinders."

To get there, the economy would need to create, on average, 250,000 jobs a month beginning in 2013 and the nation could get back to near full employment, around 6 percent, and nearly a full recovery by mid-2016, Zandi and Hall said.

President Clinton's first term was the only time a recovery has generated more than 12 million jobs. Nearly 23 million jobs, averaging 237,000 jobs a month, were created during his eight years in office.

At this point, Obama is still 316,000 jobs in the hole, despite job growth every month since October 2010, Hall said.

The economy needs to create upward of 190,000 jobs a month just to cover population growth and, so far, the Obama economy is only generating about 127,000, Hall said.

By contrast, President George W. Bush left office with only 1.1 million net jobs created during his two terms, an anemic 11,000 a month, according to Hall.

Still, not everyone is sold on the possibility of it happening regardless if Obama wins reelection or whether Romney sweeps into office.

Judy Conti, federal advocacy coordinator with the National Employment Law Project, called it an "unrealistic promise," especially with the looming threat of federal budget cuts, the lack of cooperation in Congress to agree on policies that could help boost the labor market and continued fiscal struggles at the state and local level that are a drag on job creation and the economy as a whole.

National unemployment would be 7 percent if state and local governments had not shed so many workers.

"Anyone who thinks the next Congress will do more regardless of the balance of power is very naive," she said.

"I'd love to see it but I don't think it's going to happen," Conti said.

From Zandi's perspective, the potential is in place because the economy is on track to create 2 million jobs this year. As long as the recovery maintains at its current pace, 8 million jobs would be created over the next four years.

A good batch of those jobs should come from more home building and commercial construction, which are still at incredibly low levels of activity, and "will increase substantially," he said.

"Even under very conservative assumptions" 4 million jobs could be created over the next four years in construction and construction-related industries like manufacturing, transportation, distribution and financial services.

"The economy’s fundamentals have improved significantly since the recession, and this will shine through in the next several years," Zandi said.

The Labor Department has projected that employers will create 20.5 million jobs from 2010 to 2020 with the healthcare sector expected to grow the most rapidly, while construction jobs could struggle to recover positions lost during the recession.

In a CNN interview in early August, Romney said the creation of 250,000 jobs a month is "what happens in a normal process."

"We should be seeing two, three, 400,000 jobs per month to gain much of what’s been lost, that’s what normally happens after a recession," he said.

But Hall said the recovery has been anything but normal and the rebound over the past three years has, in terms of economic growth, amounted to the worst economic recovery on record.

Still, Hall says it has been a "humbling time" for economic policy with the recession testing the limitations of what the government or Federal Reserve can do to spur more robust growth.

"I don't know what more the Federal Reserve or government could have done," he said.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Sour grapes? The same thing can be said about liberals when Bush was in office.

In some cases, yes, that is true.

Radical right? :facepalm:

Yeah, I'm working on a new & improved, kinder, gentler Rey C. The old me would have just said batshit crazy wingnuts.

When Obama is gone and we take America back, our nation can heal. I hope.

Take it back where? :confused:

Obama would be gone... had the American people elected the other guy. But they didn't. Time to get over it. Time to start pulling for the home team, Will.

Those who like Obama can leave.

What if they decide to stay? What then? Is this make believe, fantasy civil war or secession the next step for your folks? It might make a cute movie script, but in real life, it will never happen. Sorry.

Will, it's very unfortunate that we have so many people (on the left and the right) who only cheer for the home team when there is a quarterback in the game that they like. It seems like they cheer for the home team to lose when they don't like the quarterback. It shouldn't work that way. You can't have a healthy republic if some work for its failure whenever they don't get their way. There are far too many fair weather, faux patriots these days. It infects the left as well, but especially on the right and in the GOP, the herd mentality is killing that party's future, IMO.

Will E Worm

Take it back where? :confused:

Obama would be gone... had the American people elected the other guy. But they didn't. Time to get over it. Time to start pulling for the home team, Will.

Take it back to the Republic. No more "democracy."

No more working with Communist countries, clamp down on all immigration, protect the borders at all cost, back our currency with gold and silver, smaller federal government, no more department of education, welfare recipients will work, no more pay for nothing, most alphabet agencies shut down, No more Homeland security, no more TSA.....

What if they decide to stay? What then? Is this make believe, fantasy civil war or secession the next step for your folks? It might make a cute movie script, but in real life, it will never happen. Sorry.

They can't stay. Secession can work, the right people can make it happen.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Take it back to the Republic. No more "democracy."

That's like asking for a ice water without a cup.

No more working with Communist countries, clamp down on all immigration, protect the borders at all cost, back our currency with gold and silver, smaller federal government, no more department of education, welfare recipients will work, no more pay for nothing, most alphabet agencies shut down, No more Homeland security, no more TSA.....

I actually agree with you on some of that. We have strayed too far from some of our core principles, IMO. But simply eliminating agencies won't necessarily lead to a better situation. It's like firing a poorly performing plant manager. If you don't replace him with someone who can do what's needed to improve the operation, you'll just be facing a different form of failure.

They can't stay. Secession can work, the right people can make it happen.

Whether by an attempted coup d'état or violent rebellion, any group attempting such a thing would not have the support of the majority of, or even a significant number of Americans. And for that reason, the military force that would be used to strike them down would be successful and would be seen as justified by most Americans... including myself. I believe that anyone who threatens the republic is guilty of treason. And I believe that the penalty for treason should be death. There simply aren't that many people who have these wild, extremist ideas relating to secession or a coup. And those who do are so far out of the mainstream that they will never have a voice at the table. In order to be heard (by anyone who matters), they'll need to moderate their views and prove that they are (truly) rooting for the home team.

That even Ron Paul couldn't get any meaningful traction, in these days & times of calling the President a Muslim, Nazi, socialist, communist, foreign born agent of Satan (by the same ones who now think that secession is a viable possibility), should tell these folks a little something. But Ron Paul went nowhere. His supporters expected to get a (small) seat at the GOP table after the primaries, but they got essentially nothing. These people just aren't "where it's at" as far as most Americans are concerned.

Will E Worm

I actually agree with you on some of that. We have strayed too far from some of our core principles, IMO. But simply eliminating agencies won't necessarily lead to a better situation. It's like firing a poorly performing plant manager. If you don't replace him with someone who can do what's needed to improve the operation, you'll just be facing a different form of failure.

Most of the agencies do nothing. Just more of a bureaucratic mess.

the military force that would be used to strike them down would be successful and would be seen as justified by most Americans...

The military cannot be used on citizens. It would not be justified.
If a state has enough signatures for secession then it should be granted without question.

That even Ron Paul couldn't get any meaningful traction, in these days & times of calling the President a Muslim, Nazi, socialist, communist, foreign born agent of Satan (by the same ones who now think that secession is a viable possibility), should tell these folks a little something. But Ron Paul went nowhere. His supporters expected to get a (small) seat at the GOP table after the primaries, but they got essentially nothing. These people just aren't "where it's at" as far as most Americans are concerned.

I wasn't for Ron Paul, but he did have enough followers. The media just didn't give him the coverage.
Just like with all third parties.
There was a media blackout and bias towards him. I would have voted for him over Romney and Obama.



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
As a nation you are butter.
Just ask Hitler.
To paraphrase:
"The americans are the Italians of the Allied alliance."

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As a nation you are butter.
Just ask Hitler.
To paraphrase:
"The americans are the Italians of the Allied alliance."

I would ask Hitler but I heard a rumor that once the Yanks got involved in WWII, he had to go underground or something like that. Is he back around the way now? :dunno:

The military cannot be used on citizens.

It most certainly can... and it has been on several occasions. I believe I know what you're thinking. But either you're placing a limit on the word "military" that should not be there or you're misinterpreting the Posse Comitatus Act. In any case, if armed "citizens" or make believe militia nutjobs were to attempt the overthrow of our republic, yes, they would be wiped out by the military.

If a state has enough signatures for secession then it should be granted without question.

Yeah, some folks down 'round Fort Sumter thought that too. How'd that turn out?

I wasn't for Ron Paul, but he did have enough followers. The media just didn't give him the coverage.
Just like with all third parties.
There was a media blackout and bias towards him. I would have voted for him over Romney and Obama.

He had followers, but not enough to get anything meaningful done. And if he'd had a message that actually resonated with "the people", then the media (the old MSM or whatever) couldn't have stopped him. But the truth is, he only/mainly appeals to a specific subset of the population and that's about it. I find many of his views to be interesting. Some are kooky, but some are quite interesting. But his chances of ever becoming President are about the same as Michele Bachmann's.

Nobody is going to secede. And anyone who goes G.I. Joe around Congress or the White House is going to get smoked. End of story. This kind of delusional talk is just a surefire way to get average people to turn away from your message... just like street corner preachers.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Bloomberg Financial - Nov 26, 2012 8:55 AM ET

After six years of declines, lending for so-called Helocs will rise 30 percent to $79.6 billion in 2012, the highest level since the start of the financial crisis in 2008, according to the economics research unit of Moody’s Corp. Originations next year will jump another 31 percent to $104 billion, it projected.

Lending tied to real estate is reviving as record-low mortgage rates spur the housing recovery while an improving job market makes it easier for people to borrow. A rise in home equity lines is in turn helping the economy, fueling purchase of goods like televisions and refrigerators. Consumer spending, the biggest part of the economy, accelerated to a 2 percent annual rate last quarter from a 1.5 percent pace in the prior period.

“If house prices continue to rise, home equity lending will keep rising,” said Mustafa Akcay, a Moody’s Analytics economist in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “Lenders have been worried about the ability of consumers to pay back their loans, and as the economy improves, that concern is easing.”

The median U.S. home price will probably gain 8 percent this year, the fastest pace of growth since 2005, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association in Washington. The amount of equity homeowners had in the second quarter rose by $406 billion to $7.3 trillion, the highest level since 2007.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The green shoots keep sprouting - if only the government would get these fiscal negotiations over and done with. And today, this:

Consumer confidence rose in November to the highest level in more than four years, a sign U.S. household spending will keep growing.

The Conference Board’s confidence index climbed to 73.7, the highest since February 2008, from a revised 73.1 reading the prior month, figures from the New York-based private research group showed today. The median forecast of 75 economists surveyed by Bloomberg projected a reading of 73.

The report showed the share of Americans planning to buy a house rose to a record high
, indicating improving property values and a job market recovery are making households more willing to make long-term commitments. Sustained gains in consumer spending, the biggest part of the economy, may help overcome concern over the fiscal cliff of tax increases and government spending cuts slated for early 2013.

“Confidence is holding up well,” said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in New York, who projected the confidence measure would climb to 74. “Spending is going to continue to increase. This bodes well for the fourth quarter.”

Other reports today signaled business investment may rebound and home prices are climbing.

Demand for goods such as machinery and electronics climbed in October by the most in five months, the Commerce Department reported. Bookings for non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft, a proxy for future business investment, rose 1.7 percent last month, the most since May.

Estimates for consumer confidence ranged from 65 to 79.1 in the Bloomberg survey of 75 economists. The measure averaged 53.7 during the recession that ended in June 2009.

The Conference Board’s measure of present conditions was little changed at 56.6 this month from 56.7 in October. The gauge of expectations for the next six months rose to 85.1 from 84.

The share of consumers who said jobs are currently plentiful increased to 11.2 percent, the most since September 2008, from 10.4 percent. Those who said jobs are hard to get were little changed at 38.8 percent.

The percent of respondents expecting more jobs to become available in the next six months increased to 20.3, the highest since February 2011, from 19.7 the previous month.

In addition the rising consumer confidence, these economic indicators are also showing signs of future growth:

Home Values: Property values rose in the year ended September by the most since July 2010.
Home Sales: Sales of previously owned homes unexpectedly climbed in October, and the median price rose 11.1 percent from a year earlier.
Home-Buying Plans: The share planning to buy a house within the next six months jumped to 6.9 percent, the most in data going back to 1964. The previous all-time high was 5.5 percent.
Lower Fuel Prices: The average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline at the pump has fallen 10 percent in the past two months to reach $3.42 on Nov. 26.

Goldman Sachs also released a report about an hour ago in which they increased their estimate of 2012 Q4 GDP from 1.6% to 1.8%.