More Proof Glen Beck Should Have Taken a Slug to The Brain!


Lord Dipstick
I don't read the huffington post, considering a large owner of their stock is George Soros and they have just been bought by AOL, I will pass because they are not as alternative as they claim to be
I don't love GB, but I don't have any problem with what he said... :dunno:

This reminds me vaguely of a libertarian-minded band called Rush (maybe you've heard of them) and the shellacking they got when 2112 came out... the press called them "Nazi sympathizers" among other nasty things, but nothing could have been farther from the truth for MANY reasons (I will elaborate if you request).

So what's the big deal about this again?? Did I miss something?
I'm not carrying water for HuffPo, but I got a good laugh out of this one

I don't read the huffington post, considering a large owner of their stock is George Soros and they have just been bought by AOL, I will pass because they are not as alternative as they claim to be

ah, yes.....the evil George Soros...
I'm not sure you're aware how silly your regurgitated non sequitur is here, but I'll assume you're not able to catch the irony.

Yes, because Soros is the mastermind behind the librul spin we see 24/7. No thank you, I'll get my news and views from trusted sources like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch (NewsCorp).[/sarc]

I'm just can't invoke "slanted journalism" (to wholly discredit any and every story) and have absolutely no other alternative source that is an improvement

that being said, Glenn Beck isn't the problem - props to him for victimizing an industry of hoopleheads. If he wasn't doing it, they'd find another one to take his place