Re: More Kissing Please Molly
Teanna Kai stuff is starting to bore me.
Hmmm, you were a
Teanna Kai fan? Well, she's not bad, but definitely nowhere near any standards you should measure G/G porn with. When all is said and done she's a fucking bore.
What I really want is more intimacy between them. And to be more specific, more kissing would really make it a bit more realistic.
I like the way of thinking there though, and I'd also wish for more kissing and less toy use on those sites (MollysLife, WLT, MND), but that's not gonna happen, I've made my peace with that. It's on a freakin porn site run by dumbfuck morons who don't have a clue most of the time. That being said, when it comes to kissing and stuff I turn to GFF, Sweetheart, Triangle or other companies, and so I can enjoy the Molly, WLT and MND sites. Just looking at those from a different perspective.
The way they fuck is almost robotic.
You're kidding, right? MollysLife is definitely the best all G/G website these days. I'm sorry, being a fan of
Teanna Kai doesn't help to make your case there.
What do you guys think Molly could do differently to improve her sexual escapades with girls?
She should run her own site, not as part of a franchise like Muffia. Or she should do some movie work for those aforementioned companies.