Michael Avenatti convicted of stealing from Stormy Daniels

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
At least it wasn't sweaty panties, and cheese smelling socks.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Sweaty Panties ‘n’ Cheese Smelling Socks sounds like a new flavor from Ben & Jerry’s.
Footsies that have the popcorn flavor? :LOL: Homeless during the summer in the New York City subway system. :p

As for the story itself, sounds like a disbarment for Mr. Avenatti for sure. Call him formerly known as Esquire. He and Rudy Giuliani should share a cell together.
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Footsies that have the popcorn flavor? :LOL: Homeless during the summer in the New York City subway system. :p

As for the story itself, sounds like a disbarment for Mr. Avenatti for sure. Call him formerly known as Esquire. He and Rudy Giuliani should share a cell together.

My mom used to call me a Philadelphia Jailhouse Lawyer. I guess I’ll see what she meant by that. I gotta admit that I do look like Vern Schillinger’s advocate.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I like J.K. in those Farmers Insurance commercials :)

... Here's the rodent commercial (perfect for Avenatti) ... Maybe he's proposing to Stormy Daniels? ❤️

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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Trump, Stormy, and Avenatti: a ménage à trois made for tv.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I hear from CBS News that Michael Avenatti is going to appeal the judgement. That appeal will most likely be denied. A man who has himself as his own lawyer is a fool. Just go and do the two twenty plus years on the bank fraud and on the wire fraud charges and the ten years (five years each on the two perjury charges) and leave us alone. Though federal sentencing guidelines say that he'll do between fifteen to seventeen years.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Avenatti and Giuliani can commiserate about their lost legal careers.