Metal Babes

I think her bands a bit poseurish but she's still hot as hell! She has a "clean cut" photo in the latest issue of Playboy withs lots of cleavage. I'll post some metal/alternative babes for you in a few.
The lovely girls (who would kick your f'ing ass) of Astarte


Deadly Kristin (ex-Ancient)


There are more revealing/chestier photos of her out there, but not showing up in the search for some reason.

Liv Kristine (Leave's Eyes) you may already know of


More to come...
Yeah Amy Lee is hot, but, uh I wouldn't call Effervesence metal (just my elitist assed opinion)...

Yeah, Within Temptation is a great band, Sharon is lovely. If you like Within Temptation, you should check out Liv Kristines old band Theatre of Tragedy (pre-Elecro-Industrial Metal era). Check out Leave's Eyes out too while you're at it. But, I'm getting off subject here :D More hot metal chicks!!!
Haha, I just noticed this dude was looking for naked pics. Dude just go to SG, Broken Dolls, or Bad Ass Betties (if ya like them a little thick). So with that being said, lets get more hot metal band chicks on here! :)
I don't think this it the same Alissa White from The Agonist.

Ha. Pretty hot for a troll heavily Photoshop-ed

Kimberly Goss (ex-Ancient, Sinergy etc.)

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