Probably not authorized to display her pictures on their site. Many of these fitness models have spent a lot of time and money controlling where on the internet their photos show up. They don't want to be considered porn stars.
Highly unlikely BioDefenseGrad.
The model release form signed by the model prohibits any of that. There could have been a major falling out with the photographer, like Paris Troy, for example. Then those pictures would be taken down.
There have only been
two models to ever sucessfully come off the website completely.
1 . They are Angela Devi... (because she passed away). Angela's photosets are back up now. The Foxes ownership thought that taking them down was a respectful tribute to Angela Devi because of her tragic death.
2. Erin Ellington (because she put a request in, since her legal career would be jeopardized).
Other models, Amber Evans, Macy Sky, and Dillon McNeil have requested to have their websites removed or photo galleries taken down. The Foxes ownership thought that Macy's and Dillon's sites though once very popular lost some of their ratings and they scrapped them.
Amber Evans requested her personal website to be taken down because she stopped modeling after graduating from ASU and her career would also be jeopardized. Some [nobabe]AmberEvans[/nobabe].com photo galleries have been brought over to with permission from Amber herself.
Rascaldog_fan - why not email the site? PM me. I'll give you a contact there.