Members with similar tastes


It hit me this morning, and most of you probably already know this: there are some members who I can count on to post ID questions, ID answers or links in threads, that match my tastes in women perfectly. The best of these members post ID threads that introduce me to new babes - I see their name as the thread starter and know that it's going to be good.

Actually, what I realized when cleaning the ID section this morning, was that there are some members whose ID requests and thread participation are so so so far away from anything I want to look at.... that if I didn't have to look at the threads or posts as a moderator, I never would! (Again, I see their name as the thread starters and have to prepare myself for the sensory attack and heave reflex that will come... ;))

I don't think that this thread should mention who you don't like or agree with, but I you want to post those that do, then go ahead.



Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
I count among the members whom I feel has similar tastes (or the propensity to be less-filling) are:

Skorpio (a member who dilligently adheres to the principle of placing quality well above quantity in his posts)
Irony (Freeones' own version of the MILF hunter, whom I sincerely hope has a much more convincing hair piece, if applicable)

Also, I feel that I must mention DrMotorcity...probably no one else will. :(
Yes i also find Georges and Seraphim and Dr Death also have the same tastes as i do!
Brianelka, Seraphim, Irony, Dr Motorcity, Jacksson, Omega, The Prof (who shares a great passion about women like Alyssa Alps or Lindsey Mc Kenzie or Friday), Darkman and BNF (who likes Michelle B and other heavu hooters models).
This is a hard one for me, as most of you know I roam around all over. As I've said many times before I have a wide taste in women. I do prefer natural women more as most know to implants, but I do like some women with implants too. But there is certain things I will not go near in porn and I think most members know what they are. A certain Max Hardcore type comes to mind straight away. Plus as BNF knows there is another thing that I'm totally against as I sent him a PM the other day on a certain thread.

There are some members threads I know I'm not going to like and others I know I will. But I must add this, it takes all tastes to make this board what it is, so none of you change!
I have to think that I , seraphim drdeath and analfan has somewhat the same taste.


what the fuck you lookin at?
never really thought about it much, would have to go with Irony on this since he is a very obvious fan of the milfs as well am I!
All the members with similar tastes??? Thats an awfully long list! ;) I guess these are probably the ones closest to my likings and who always help find the best stuff:

Rabid Canuck
Atlas 316
Gape Fan

I know as soon as I see one of these names anywhere in the babe section its going to be quality stuff I like. Thanks for the babe ID's and collection of quailty links for the Kung Fu Dude fellas! :thumbsup:


Member, you member...
For me, there are eight names that will stand out when there are new links to be had. Not necessarily to women of my taste, but they run the gamut from Alison Angel to Gaping Assholes to Mariah Carey.
I say thank you to:
Anker, swamprat, darkman, MATUTE, GENIUS, Mike84, CivicKiller, and Gape_Fan.
& probably lots of others, but there are the three that immediately come to my mind.


Retired Moderator
Hard to say, my taste of women is rather wide, but I would mention Gordar (Sophie Sweet, preferring lesbian scenes), Anker89, Acideater, AFA, Stefro, Aegis..., I might add other names later, having put just a few members who have entered my mind now.
I don't really look at the Id. I look at the title and sometimes know who put it up before seeing the ID. In both good and bad threads. you BNF seem to start some very good threads, and a few I could care less about. But the title intrigued me more then the author.

Omega had some good funny photo threads in hte past. so i'll put him down here.
Off the top of my head, members who have similar tastes to mine

Prof Voluptuary
Anyone who loves redheads! ;)
RogueWolf said:
Off the top of my head, members who have similar tastes to mine

Prof Voluptuary
Anyone who loves redheads! ;)

After seeing Bianca Beauchamp and Ashley Robbins(?) in your sig you can put me up on the redhead fan list!