Member below me: Give me your 10 Favourite...

and this is where it becomes interesting, perhaps funny..

or maybe I'm just :horse:

Ask the member below for their '10 most favourite..' then add something unusual and/or bizarre


top 10 sex positions with a blow-up doll

top 10 obects you would like to stick up your nose..

top 10 high places you'd like to throw a midget from..

top 10 celebrities you would like to beat over the head with a cucumber...

so you see... it could be funny :dunno:

so, member below me..

Give me your top 10 swear words that you could say to the Queen..

(remember to ask your own top 10 for the next member..)
Shitface, Twatbreath, Pissflaps, Cuntybollocks, Arsefeatures, Slagrash, Mingebag, Tithead, Anusbrain, Bellend.

There ya go. All very British, not sure any of them really qualify as swearing as such but it'd take balls to say all that lot to her when you're getting knighted.

Now then, someone give me their Top 10 songs to listen to while you're throwing up
puke - eminem
worst hangover ever - the offspring
recorded inside a pyramid - daughters
sound of silence - simon and garfunkel
it's all over now, baby blue - bob dylan
pray for plagues - bring me the horizon
don't be shy - cat stevens
thick as a brick - jethro tull
I'll never love again - new found glory
party and bullshit - notorious B.I.G.

alright then, give me your 10 foods that you're never allowed to use your limbs to eat again!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'm gonna translate the member aboves post as: 10 fav foods:
1 Baklawa
2 Cirok
3 Fish & chips
4 Turkish delight
5 ice cream
6 chicken korma
7 pasta salad (no, I aint shitting you)
8 the misery of small children
9 dead baby souls
10 last but definately not least: pussy.

Those 10 favourite unpleasant sensations.
We all find something bizzarrely pleasurable in squeezing out a slightly too large shit.