Meeting a girl on craigslist...

I haven't had sex in a long time, and I recently posted an ad on craigslist about meeting up with a girl for a one night stand. I've met a girl, and although we've swapped pics and whatnot, I'm still iffy about this whole thing. What do you guys think?




I didnt know it was illegal to have consenting sex between two adults when there is no profit motive involved.

As for advice be careful it could be a middle age fat bald guy. (I apologise to the respectable guys falling into this category lulz)
Unless you're talking about paying for sex somehow, if the lady is a cop she might be horny too :dunno:

I would agree to meet at a public place, like Starbucks, or a bar, just to make sure that the lady matches the pic.

I thought Craigslist has fallen of the sex radar. Maybe you should look into Adultfriendfinder or some sort of site like that? Maybe the chicks on a site like that might be more into hook'in up with other members...:dunno:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Yeah... I've never been desperate enough to be meet a total stranger for the sole purpose of a sexual encounter, but hey, good luck with that though. Remember this piece of advice:

"Peter... watch out for your cornhole, bud."


Its all bullshit. I checked out adult friend finder, the free profile probably still there. Most of the chicks in close proximity that mailed me where rough. Ok maybe there are some hotties, But a old maxim I live with is: "If its too good to be true, It isnt true"

I mean why the fuck would attractive girls go onto these sites, They could get some easily anywhere and anytime. Stick to your porn man, Chuff one off and go places where you can pull women IRL


My Penis Is Dancing!
See her on cam before meeting. If you do meet, do it in a public place the first time.
When Tom Leykis was on the radio, he warned his fans not to hook up with random brawds on social networking and dating sites. Alot of callers would call in to recount their dating horror stories with random brawds they met online
You Might end up with the man of your dreams when you get a cock slipped up your ass or find out this dream girl who will bang you is actually a guy.

You will sit down, address yourself, say it is a mistake. But you will wonder, while I am here... why not?

Just get the person to write a sign or go on a webcam. Have you even spoke on the phone?

That doesn't mean a thing. Some girls will team up with people, go through, all in the name of a robbery or worse.

Best bet is to save your desperation for some bar floozy. Seriously.

I swear the lengths and risks people will go through for just a little pleasure.
That doesn't mean a thing. Some girls will team up with people, go through, all in the name of a robbery or worse.

Best bet is to save your desperation for some bar floozy. Seriously.

I swear the lengths and risks people will go through for just a little pleasure.

If thats the case dont ever meet up with any girl ever because they could just maybe have someone ready to steal your kidneys, car, wallet, phone and use your credit cards :rolleyes:
Obviously, but thing is, when it comes to the internet it is shadier than a public place where cameras are around and a better ID and information can come from.

I mean, I know things can happen meeting in real life than internet, thing is once you advertise yourself to the internet where the world can see... it is a little different than when you are in a local bar, club, restaurant, whatever place and usually with, or around, people you know.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
We all need a slump buster once in a while. I've been trying to avoid the one girl I made this mistake with for the last month. She was evasive about her body type, saying she was "thick, but in a good way." I was hesitant to meet her but I relented and when I did she had an ass like the girl Ben Stiller tried to ask to prom at the beginning of "There's something about Mary."
I never watched There's Something About Mary so I am afraid I do not know what ass you speak of.
If you meet a girl on craig's list and after she emails you some pics asks for a credit card number. It's usually a scam.

Not saying that it's happen to me. I'm just saying I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who herd it from a friend you were messing......Nevermind
I've made several friends off cragislist, and even found a girlfriend off of it... Never tried the "casual encounters" though.

Like others have advised, meet in a public place too, and do it during a more busy part of the day while it's light out and there are plenty of people around. I've had nothing but successful meets with my craigs-friends, but ya never know!