Don't eat or drink while watching this video.
edirons22 ...currently wanking! Mar 16, 2013 #3 The one with the hamster was very funny... I think people heard me laughing from miles away... :rofl2:
The one with the hamster was very funny... I think people heard me laughing from miles away... :rofl2:
Luxman #TRE45ON Mar 16, 2013 #4 Yeah, my sides hurt from laughing after watching that hamster video. But he was lucky the cop had a sense of humor. If it was in LA he would have been pulled out of the car and beaten, and the hamster shot for mocking the popo.
Yeah, my sides hurt from laughing after watching that hamster video. But he was lucky the cop had a sense of humor. If it was in LA he would have been pulled out of the car and beaten, and the hamster shot for mocking the popo.
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Mar 22, 2013 #7 The guy in the 1st vid was lucky - if the Russki police wanna kick the shit out of you, they will. The guy in the 2nd vid may one day get a close encounter with a Su27.
The guy in the 1st vid was lucky - if the Russki police wanna kick the shit out of you, they will. The guy in the 2nd vid may one day get a close encounter with a Su27.
N nottoday Mar 22, 2013 #8 I seriously need to get one of those hamsters... What a man with a hamster that repeats what people say and a little bit of cretivity could do...
I seriously need to get one of those hamsters... What a man with a hamster that repeats what people say and a little bit of cretivity could do...
Luxman #TRE45ON Apr 2, 2013 #13 In Russia potholes can be used as swimming pools. The lesbians in Russia are really aggressive and prefer women in uniform In Russia, tree paint you.
In Russia potholes can be used as swimming pools. The lesbians in Russia are really aggressive and prefer women in uniform In Russia, tree paint you.