How limited is the 2 day trial for 1 dollar?
Can I download all I want or see all I want within the 2 day trial?
Think logically, douche. If you could download everything right away, then what would be the point of the goddamn trial period? You could just spend 48 hours downloading content and then be done. No, it doesn't work like that because that would be a poor business model.
The trial will probably give you limited access to videos and pictures in order to draw you in. That way, when the trial period is over, you want to join the site on a monthly basis in order to get access to exclusive "members only" content. That's the whole point of a trial - get you to spend more money. Also, if I had to guess, it's also probably really hard to cancel your trial membership before it rolls over to a monthly subscription. All of these sites are the same way, so good luck with that.