McDonald's Food Test


what the fuck you lookin at?
now I don't know the credibility of this video, but that guys looks like that dude from "Super Size Me."

That's because it's a clip from the movie! DVD extra's I believe!

Now I want some fuckin fries!!!


Even after I watched the movie, I ate at McDicks he very next day


knows petras secret: she farted.
mcdonalds is garbage. i havent ate there in a few years now. yes, he ate there everyday to show what its doing to you. there are people who do eat there everyday. the fact of the matter is there is no reason fast food has to be so disgusting. its terrible for you and it damages your body with all the preservatives and crap they put in there. since i stopped eating fast food, ive been so much healthier.

a huge point that needs to be said is the food is addictive and thats not right.


Closed Account
If you eat loads of fast food, one day you will die.

If you don't eat loads of fast food, you're still going to die!

You're damned either way. May as well just eat whatever you enjoy.


what the fuck you lookin at?
If you eat loads of fast food, one day you will die.

If you don't eat loads of fast food, you're still going to die!

You're damned either way. May as well just eat whatever you enjoy.

exactly! :thumbsup:


knows petras secret: she farted.
well, yeah youre gonna die either way, but the question is how soon. given, a car crash, or a driveby will end you regardless of what u eat, but you cant really control that too much. now the food you eat, you can control. i want to be around to play with my grandchildren so ima eat healthy. unless i get killed by some freak thing, ill be alive and healthy. meanwhile, im eating what i want, just not a fucked up version of it. just because something is produced locally or has no preservatives, it doesnt mean it tastes bad. thats the way it was until somewhat recently.

also, look around. before the preservatives in food were a standard, everyone was pretty thin and healthy. now, obesity is a problem, diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, people suing mcdonalds. whats changed between those 2 points: processed foods.

you are what u eat, and if you eat crap, your body will be crap. (which explains why someone called me a pussy the other day.) <-- bad joke.
If you eat loads of fast food, one day you will die.

If you don't eat loads of fast food, you're still going to die!

You're damned either way. May as well just eat whatever you enjoy.

All the cholesterol is not good for you... that's just like saying you'll die anyways so it's ok to be a heavy smoker...

As with anything, moderation is key... how can you resist those fries anyways :nanner:


Closed Account
I dunno, that was a pretty good joke :1orglaugh

But if you have seen Super Size Me, there is a guy on that who eats Big Mac everyday and is totally healthy. I know lots of people who eat shit and are healthy. And that is because they still take care of themselves.

Majority of the people who die early from eating shit food are the guys who also sit on their fat asses all day and don't do any kind of work out.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I dunno, that was a pretty good joke :1orglaugh

But if you have seen Super Size Me, there is a guy on that who eats Big Mac everyday and is totally healthy. I know lots of people who eat shit and are healthy. And that is because they still take care of themselves.

Majority of the people who die early from eating shit food are the guys who also sit on their fat asses all day and don't do any kind of work out.

good point. if you keep in shape, you can fight the damage you are causing. exercise is a big part of the equation. sad thing though is theres less and less of that happening. i still feel the food shouldnt put us in the position of having to battle the evils inside of it. it doesnt have to be like it is.

food colouring is a carcinogen for one. what doesnt have food colouring in it these days?
Hmmm...raise your hand if you're one of the three people on the planet that has never known McDonald's food is bad for you. :1orglaugh


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I dunno, that was a pretty good joke :1orglaugh

But if you have seen Super Size Me, there is a guy on that who eats Big Mac everyday and is totally healthy. I know lots of people who eat shit and are healthy. And that is because they still take care of themselves.

Majority of the people who die early from eating shit food are the guys who also sit on their fat asses all day and don't do any kind of work out.

Geez, you just insulted like 1/3rd of the U.S. and a growing population in China and Japan!
Big woop. It's still food. It's not going to kill you within a day. So whats the big deal? It's your own fault if you choose to injest fast food every day, every meal, and you suffer problems. McDonalds isn't there to make you eat their food every day, for every meal. It's fast food. THe intentions are for those people who want something quick, and good tasting as a suppliment for a meal if you don't have the time to make a proper one.

It's not bad for you if you only eat it once in a blue moon.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
That doesn't mean some of it isn't true. ;) :1orglaugh

Oh, absolutely. Plus you got cool-points cuz the people you just insulted.. they're too fat'n'slow to run after you. :rimshot!:
i have not eaten at macdonalds since i was a kid , i try to eat much healthier as i am pushing thirty . i do think watching what we eat can aid quality of life . i don't have any problems eating healthier foods so far either.
It's scary how long those fries lasted....won't make me stop eating them, but it's still scary.