well, yeah youre gonna die either way, but the question is how soon. given, a car crash, or a driveby will end you regardless of what u eat, but you cant really control that too much. now the food you eat, you can control. i want to be around to play with my grandchildren so ima eat healthy. unless i get killed by some freak thing, ill be alive and healthy. meanwhile, im eating what i want, just not a fucked up version of it. just because something is produced locally or has no preservatives, it doesnt mean it tastes bad. thats the way it was until somewhat recently.
also, look around. before the preservatives in food were a standard, everyone was pretty thin and healthy. now, obesity is a problem, diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, people suing mcdonalds. whats changed between those 2 points: processed foods.
you are what u eat, and if you eat crap, your body will be crap. (which explains why someone called me a pussy the other day.) <-- bad joke.