Mark Of The Beast?

This is one of the more unfortunate effects for the addiction to technology. Some may have seen this coming; others not so much... I say it's a classic case of Blowback.


Postal Paranoiac
The government just wants to protect our identities while we practice our organized religions.

Will E Worm

Technology is getting a little too personal!

"How computers will soon get under our skin."

Much too personal. I will not be using these, or anything like them.

Revelation 13:16 (KJV)
16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

if the bible is a complete load of dark age bullshit, uh, doesn't that make the whole "mark of the beast" hooplehead thing moot?

:nono: It was written and collected far before most people believe it was.


It's a self fulfilling prophecy....The dweebs making this will probably want it placed where your precious scripture says it will be outta pure morbid humour.
The mark of the beast is a ridiculous concept that grew from Middle Age philosophy and theology. It isn't really even biblical, despite the quote from Revelation above (if you want respect, even among Christians, stop using the KJV, by the way. It is a provably poor translation).

The book of Revelation is not to be taken literally. And those who say it is have no leg to stand on once the discussion gets beyond, "every part of the bible is to be taken literally."

No, it isn't. There are different literary techniques included in the bible. Prophesy, allegory, myth, and parable are all included.

Will E Worm

The mark of the beast is a ridiculous concept that grew from Middle Age philosophy and theology. It isn't really even biblical, despite the quote from Revelation above (if you want respect, even among Christians, stop using the KJV, by the way. It is a provably poor translation).

The book of Revelation is not to be taken literally. And those who say it is have no leg to stand on once the discussion gets beyond, "every part of the bible is to be taken literally."

No, it isn't. There are different literary techniques included in the bible. Prophesy, allegory, myth, and parable are all included.

The birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus were prophesized way before it all happened. You'd have to actually read the bible, the old testament, particularly the books of the prophets like Isaiah (not Thomas by the way), Daniel, Ezekiel, etc.

But the point I'm trying to make is that the people who made those prophecies come true, either did not believe in them or were not versed in them (in the case of the Romans who crucified them) or were not expecting that what they were seeing right before their eyes was the fullfillment of a prophecy (in the case of the Israelites who condemned Him).

So when it comes to biblical prophecies, I'd expect history to repeat itself in that the people who will make them come true are the people who don't believe in them or understand them in the first place. After all, the verse in the bible verse that talks about the mark of the beast contains the phrase "he who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast...." (didn't you all ever listen to Iron Maiden?)

Jon S.

Just to play Devil's Advocate, I believe Dirk simply likes to call out a bible thumping HYPOCRITE when he sees one! It would be remiss of him as a human being not to do so! :2 cents: Just sayin'! As Christians go for me, it's either practice what you preach and seemingly demand of others, of shut the fuck up already (and let people decide for themselves, don't shove it down other people's throats, AND advertise it though your actions and behavior as opposed to simply through words.....words are hollow.....actions speak volumes)! When someone PREACHES one thing, and DOES something that is seemingly the polar opposite of that which they preach.......that is what we call a HYPOCRITE, and I don't hesitate to say that he, she, or they DESERVE to be called out! :2 cents: The best thing those being called out can do is to either make the necessary changes in themselves so they aren't hypocrites anymore, or simply stop preaching and thus exposing themselves as the hypocrites that they are in the 1st place! It's just that simple! :2 cents:

By the way, I don't hate Christians......hypocrites on the other hand.....Ha ha ha!!!!, and at least in the United States, Christianity has been hijacked by raging hypocrites for sometime now IMHO!!!!

Incidentally, if there really is a "mark of the beast," I believe I have a leading contender......but I'll keep that to myself! Ha ha ha! Just sayin'!