Mariotti is wrong. Athletes are rich investments, and it's up to the owners to provide security to protect their investments.
Athletes can defend themselves. Anyone with a brain could see that this kid had nothing but goofball intentions on his mind.
Install metal detectors at all stadiums and have bomb-sniffing pooches roam around.
Why is it so many people want to see jackboot troops marching around in their public spaces?
Americans are turning into pansies. What was sad was that the Security guard was too fat and stupid to catch this kid. We are a nation of fat people on the front lines...
This line, (or one very similar to it) is read before every major sporting event in America:
"Fans, for the protection of the players, coaches, officials, and for your own safety, please do no throw or kick any objects onto the field. In addition, any spectator entering the field of play at any time will be ejected, and subject to arrest."
Fans are warned not to come onto the field. Legally speaking, sports stadiums, while in use are considered private property
within public property, much in the same way a persons house is private property while the road in front of it, and sidewalk in front of it are public property. If you trespass on a persons front lawn, you may be subject to arrest. The same principle applies to a sports stadium, if you step onto the field, you're violating the law, and subject to arrest and whatever that may entail.
Besides, if the security guards are already incompetent, why would have metal detectors make any difference? Wouldn't they be just as incompetent at stopping people there?