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Marine Le Pen wants to meet Donald Trump

The article is in French, so you'll have to trust me on the translation

Marine Le Pen wants to meet Donald Trump

She's vocal about her support to Donald Trump and she likes to comparer herself to him. Marine Le Pen nowwants to meet Us presidential candidate. The meeting would serve the ambitions to improbe her international stature as polld have her loosing the second round of the next french presidential election [Which will happen in May 2017].

She's fighting on several fronts. In her presidential campaign, Marine Le Pen, who won't have to face any primary, which polls see reaching the 2nd round, in now gathering her staff and should announce it next month. On, foreign policy, sh'es also trying to gather support and allies. Among them, Valdimir Putin, to which she's be very vocal about her support, and Donald Trump.

According to Le Parisien [french newspaper], the french candidate wants to meet him. The meeting wouldn't be suprising since he's the one she's supporting for US president. But when she stated her support there, it was not very enthusiastic. " For France's sake it's 'anything but Hillary'" she said in a CNN Interview on early september. She then added "What we have in common is that we're not from the establishment, we're independants".

A meeting conditionned to Trump's victory ?

US [and french] medias didn't wait to compare both politicians. Neither did the German Vice-Chancelor who said he sees them as "a threat to peace". Both candidates have a lot in common about immigration but also about their opposition to NAFTA

Among the staff of the [french candidate], several people are working to organise the meeting, Le Parisien states "We'd like to go there after Trump's vioctory" a Lepen's staff memeber said to the newspaper.

It's unsure wether Trump would acdept the meeting as he is currently trying to soften his image.

If I was Trump I would try to make that happen before the US election. A possible winner of the next french election vocally supporting him, that's the kind od things that would make him look more presidential. Particulary when his opponents often say he's clueless on foreign policy.


Hiliary 2020
His opponents are full of cow feces too.
Foreign policy? What is foreign policy?
And how do they know he's clueless?
You know what you need to know about foreign policy in the USA today?
I'm gonna use a bad word here. All you need to know is get the fuck out of every country the US doesn't belong in and stop creating wars all over the fucking place.
Sorry that was 2 bad words.

Added to that worry about your own country and it's economy which is Trumps biggest platform.

See Johan these career politicians have us all tricked into thinking you need "Experience" to be PREZ.
Keep in mind that politics was never meant to be a lifelong job.
You get a group of people running a GOV for life and corruption is inevitable.
They begin to control the media and the justice system and it becomes criminal enterprise.

They lie and use experience as a selling point. But in reality it's meaningless.
What you need is to actually care about the people of your country and surround yourself with others who feel the same.
Regular people with dignity.
I don't even know when the last time the US had that.

What we've had in the US GOV which at this point is about 100% is a group of criminals.
It's a mafia. And to make it worse it's a mafia owned by a foreign state and some very rich foreigners.
I won't even get started on that again.
But as far as foreign policy it's simple. Stop invading other countries illegally.
That goes hand in hand with creating a strong economy that actually produces goods.
Forget about all the horror and death for a minute and the fact that it's gonna get us all killed sooner or later and consider the cost in dollars.
We're talking trillions of dollars on this stuff every year. And it's all borrowed money.
Divide the number of people into for example the 40 billion more we are about to give israel.
I think that comes to about 13,000 dollars for every person in the country.
Imagine what 13,000 in every man woman and childs pocket would do for the economy for starters?
Use the number 500 billion (which is at least what is spent on this nonsense every year) divided by 300 million and thats some serious stimulus.

A country needs to produce and sell things to have a strong economy.
Manufacturing, Agriculture, ect ect and plenty of small business to keep people employed.
Government workers (with some exceptions) and bankers produce nothing.
Nobody is buying US goods and the money is trickling only up. It should have crashed a few years ago but they just keep borrowiong and pumping more numbers into the system. Kind of, no exactly like artificial life support.

But if these A-Holes want to use foreign policy experience as a big deal they should take a look at HC's claim to fame which is Libya.
Great job there Hillary.

I gotta stop making speeches round here.
The article is in French, so you'll have to trust me on the translation

If I was Trump I would try to make that happen before the US election. A possible winner of the next french election vocally supporting him, that's the kind od things that would make him look more presidential. Particulary when his opponents often say he's clueless on foreign policy.

That's rich. Everything Clinton/Obama have touched when it comes to foreign affairs has become one heaping, steaming pile of dog shit.

Any successful CEO will tell you that delegating authority and having the right advisors around you plays a big part in their success. Trump will do that. It is obvious that Clinton and Obama did not take the advice of others and plowed ahead with their feckless foreign policy. About the only foreign policy experience Obama had before he became president was a suitcase nuke bill with Richard Lugar and a speech at the Brandenburg Gate.
His opponents are full of cow feces too.
Foreign policy? What is foreign policy?
And how do they know he's clueless?
One thing you need to know to fully understand the article : This Marine Le Pen


(The picture is from her own officiial facebook account so no one whould say I selected a picture on which she doesn't look good, just to decredibilise her).

Yes, it she's a female so everytime the article say "his" it refers to Trump, not to Le Pen

You know what you need to know about foreign policy in the USA today?
I'm gonna use a bad word here. All you need to know is get the fuck out of every country the US doesn't belong in and stop creating wars all over the fucking place.
Sorry that was 2 bad words.
Agreed. But your fellow Republicans often claim that if Obama hadn't left Iraq, Isis wouldn't even exist.

See Johan these career politicians have us all tricked into thinking you need "Experience" to be PREZ.
Keep in mind that politics was never meant to be a lifelong job.
You get a group of people running a GOV for life and corruption is inevitable.
They begin to control the media and the justice system and it becomes criminal enterprise.
Despite she claim she isn't Marine Le Pen is a professional politician, just like her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was the founder of the Front National, which Marine now leads. Marine's niece, Marion Marechal-Le Pen is also a politician. She was eleted to the french equivalent of the US House 4 years ago, when she was only 23.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'd plow her like a German running through the Maginot line. Or around, whatever. Is her niece hot, too?
Divide the number of people into for example the 40 billion more we are about to give israel.
Well shit my post before that last one somehow vaporized :wtf:

Anyhoo Mr. P, that would be 38 billion over the course of 10 years. 3.8 billion per year. Not a lump sum. A .7 billion per year increase over the amount of aid given the last several years.

What's really king of amusing about this is that it was negotiated while Obama (the supposed Israel hater) was still president because Netanyahu decided it would be best to forge a new arrangement with Obama, who leaves office in January, rather than hoping for better terms from the next U.S. administration, according to officials on both sides.

But Obama hates Israel dontcha know :1orglaugh



Hiliary 2020
Yes I know it's over 10 years.
If the USA last's that long.
It's still 38 billion dollars that the USA is giving to israel on top of all the money they already give them.
Money that could go to many good things instead of more weapons for israel to reek havoc on innocent people with.

Bushes, Clintons, Obama......it's the same thing. It's a War Machine that is not going to stop until it is stopped.
I've said this before. Think of the world as a neighborhood and in that neighborhood there is a person going around creating havoc. Attacking people, bullying people, stealing from people.
It's only a matter of time before somebody takes that person out for good.

With HC you know from her past record and her present statements that it's just going to continue.
And it's because she is owned by the people at the top who want this.
She is a puppet just like Obama, even more actually, much more.
At least with Trump there is a chance that this insanity will stop and we might have an administration that puts the American people, who they are sworn to represent, first.
Well shit my post before that last one somehow vaporized :wtf:

Anyhoo Mr. P, that would be 38 billion over the course of 10 years. 3.8 billion per year. Not a lump sum. A .7 billion per year increase over the amount of aid given the last several years.

What's really king of amusing about this is that it was negotiated while Obama (the supposed Israel hater) was still president because Netanyahu decided it would be best to forge a new arrangement with Obama, who leaves office in January, rather than hoping for better terms from the next U.S. administration, according to officials on both sides.

But Obama hates Israel dontcha know :1orglaugh


Laughing it off, doesn't change the facts.

Facts, from breitbart ? You mst be kiddin', right ?


Hiliary 2020
Obama may "hate" israel. He may not.
Let's assume he does. Or let's say he's just not a big fan.
If that's the case then why agree to the 38 billion and other goodies for israel for the past 8 years?
I don't have the exact answer but it seems like the Government is sort of being run by 2 main forces that are almost entirely separate entities.
I'm talking mainly about the present and during the Obama administration.
That would be The White House and the Pentagon.
I believe at this point it has come to this.

The Pentagon is the War Machine.
They order the invasions, organize the US proxy armies to go in and wreak havoc to mostly brown people countries who israel says is a threat, as well as fund and arm them.
They organize the attacks and coordinate everything.
They spin the "official stories" that lie to the world.
They hand out the billion dollar "defense" contracts to their buddies who they are usually in business with also.
They spend like crazy in order to assure more money for their Big Club year after year.
They are the Miltary Industrial Complex.
And the Prez, the SOS, The Congress and all others in Obamas club go along with whatever they want.
The rest just keep their mouths shut.
And the news media is also on board pushing their propaganda for the big agenda.

We're do We The People fit in all of this?
We pay for it.


Hiliary 2020

Yeah. I had to stop reading kind of early in that article.
At this point actually
May 2009: Obama tells Netanyahu that “settlements have to be stopped in order for us to move forward.” Netanyahu announces a settlement freeze to comply. The Palestinians refuse to negotiate. Obama then slams Israel: “they still found it very hard to move with any bold gestures.”

So how is that settlement freeze going by the way?
About the same as the Embargo they've had going for about the past 10 years?

What that article does show however is that the US PREZ is just a puppet.
It doesn't matter what the PREZ thinks or wants. It's what his owners want. And his owners are 100% pro israel.
In the USA it's israel first ....always first.
And that is not the way it should be.
Actually I stopped her

March 2009 : The Obama administration reverses the Bush era policy of not joining the United Nations Human Rights Council. Secretary of State Clinton said, “Human rights are an essential element of American global foreign policy,” completely neglecting the UNHRC’s abysmally anti-Semitic record. The Washington Post reported that the administration joined the Human Rights Council even though they conceded that it “has devoted excessive attention to alleged abuses by Israel and too little to abuses in places such as Darfur, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.”
To most us right-winger, not agreeing with the Israeli government, criticizing its policies = being anti-semitic. Disagreeing with a government does not mean hating a whole pople, a whole nation. Otherwise, if you appluy that smae reasoning to the US, since GOP doesn't agrees with the Obama administration, the party and every single of their voters are anti-americans.
To most us right-winger, not agreeing with the Israeli government, criticizing its policies = being anti-semitic..

Not if it's Ronald Reagan :) :angel1:

An extensive point by point recounting:
"If Obama Treated Israel Like Reagan Did He'd Be Impeached"

“The policy of publicly humiliating our traditional ally has made us no new friends in the Arab world and removed the trust needed to encourage Israel to take risks for peace,” argues a prominent conservative columnist. In his piece, he castigates the American administration for its policy toward Israel: “You’d think the heaviest cross [the President] had to bear was the Star of David.”

You could be forgiven for thinking the above was clipped from a column penned by William Kristol about President Barack Obama. But in fact, those are the words of William Safire criticizing Ronald Reagan in 1981. Safire, the Nixon speechwriter and New York Times columnist, was none too pleased with the Republican administration’s treatment of the Jewish state. Under Reagan, the United States had withheld promised warplanes from Israel to punish it for destroying Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in June 1981 and voted to condemn the action in the United Nations Security Council. It had publicly criticized Israel’s July bombing of the PLO headquarters in Beirut and the ensuing civilian casualties.

Reagan never once visited Israel. Not a single time. But he did manage to piss off a tremendous number of Israelis while visiting Germany in 1985. Eschewing visiting any former POW camps, he instead visited and laid a wreath at a german military cemetery that featured a number of burial plots dedicated to the Waffen SS.

But never mind any of the above. If Breitbart says Obama (who was elemental in the implementation and funding of the Iron Dome missle defense system, and who Netanyahu just negotiated a long term aid agreement with because he was concerned he wouldn't get a better deal from Trump or Clinton) is the Israel hater then it must be the truth :1orglaugh