Maria Grazia Cucinotta




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In my opinion, she's one of the HOTTEST Bond Girls of all time!
In case you were wondering, she appeared alongside Pierce Brosnan in the Pre Title Sequence of The World Is Not Enough (1999) and was known simply as "Cigar Girl". She had a kick@$$ jet-boat chase scene with 007 from the Mi6 Building, down the Thames, and ending at the Millenium Dome. The Cigar Girl committed suicide at the end of the PTS, before she could reveal the name of the film's villain, Renard.
Interesting piece of trivia, Maria Grazia Cucinotta was chosen for the role of Cigar Girl ahead of Monica Bellucci.


LOL asio,
I have a group of friends in Florence. We meet once a month for dinner at a club and start the evening off polite and quiet (as quiet as 8 good (Italian) friends can be). Every time, I mean every time for the past few years, we always get into the finer points of Monica vs. Maria Grazia. The debate is heated and every point (and body part) as well as film roles and personality is debated.

PS Monica usually looses big points for her husband.... at least MGC's (as unassuming and soft as he is, is Italian;))


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I'm sorry to say I had no idea this beautiful woman was out there in the world. I was shocked at how sultry her dark looks are, I was to say the least captivated by her looks. That is a rare thing for me because seeing all sorts of naked women here all the time kinda dulls your senses, but when you see one that almost knocks you out of your seat... it's quite a shock. Thank you for the introduction and yes, she deserves her own thread.
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"Bella Donna"!!...Looked all day for new/different stuff on her:dunno:

Great links guys...Thanx!:thumbsup:

Maybe I will see that Bond movie after all....
at Ischia Global Film And Music Festival
