You decide. Either way, fap fap fap. :rubbel:
L lurkingdirk Aug 1, 2010 #1 You decide. Either way, fap fap fap. :rubbel: Attachments overflow_11.jpg 24.2 KB · Views: 178
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Aug 2, 2010 #5 You I bet if you saw this person now, all the hair on the top has fallen out and only the hair on the side remains.
You I bet if you saw this person now, all the hair on the top has fallen out and only the hair on the side remains.
C Cutie Aug 2, 2010 #9 I chose Ripe Tomato cause there wasn't the poll option for *what the fuck is that?* :rofl2:
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Aug 2, 2010 #10 looks like the Shaggy D.A. got photoed just as the transformation was beginning
phanto_1985 Aug 2, 2010 #13 rahd said: Shemale Click to expand... Yeah, it's a girl who wanted to be a man.
Skyraider22 The One and Only Big Daddy Aug 2, 2010 #14 It is a little of all three.So lets stop:horse:.I've been waiting to use that.:2offtopic