[SCENE REQUEST] Looking for certain classic porn scene from the 80s

Hi all,

Hope to find some classic Porn Fans here - looking for a classic 80s Porn scene/movie
Following key details of the scene i remember (maybe some small differences here and there)

- outdoor Group scene ( some guys, one lady)

- Brunette long hair Lady in dress/skirt(think it was red) walk from kind of hill, sits down and and lifts skirt to show while flirting with some guys ( 2-4 guys)

- Some talking then starting sex scene. Lady later lies on ground fucked by one guy while giving blowjob to the others.

- Ladys Feets are lightly tied at some wooden stumps stucking in the ground ( i believe)

- i remember the lady was wearing a (red) neckerchief and kept it on later in the actual sex scene ( but not sure)

- i believe there was a 1:1 scene before with a blonde lady in a bedroom

from what i remember it appeared to be a US Porn, because of the area ( western, dry, sunny) and the guys style
did fit

Any hint for a scene you think thats it or similar to what i described would help me to continue my search

many thanks