Looking for a porn scene with Andrew Youngman

It took me a long time to figure out that Andrew Youngman was the guy in the scene.

It's a threesome scene with him, a blond girl (teen?) and a mature lady (redhead?). It's in a foreign language, probably dates before 1999 and its set in a classroom.

Been looking for this movie for ages. is there anyone that knows what movie that is?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I think the name of the movie is called "Get Your Guffaws at Pine Cone Lodge"

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I believe the classroom scene you speak of occurred at about the midway point of Good Will Hunting.

guess you are looking for that movie I like it very much too:)

Lil Women 15 Sorority Rush-Teeny Internat[Magma]-1996

you will find the scene you described at the beginning of that movie