Linsey Dawn Mckenzie - AKA: Lindsey Dawn McKenzie, Linsey McKenzie, Linzi

Re: Linsey Dawn Mckenzie

ok - lets get back to business. Could obviously post for hours on this greatest of all pornstars but will restrict myself to a couple of favourites. Sorry for inevitable reposts

Cradling her tits (she always did that so well, great eye contact pic)

Always had a soft spot for this set she did at 18

And obviously check out the They Think its All Over vid on youtube. Unbelievable, still in her skinny as fuck days with mammoth tits, and still a bit wide eyed and naive.
Re: Linsey Dawn Mckenzie

ok, one more post and then thats it i promise.
I'll never get tired of this photo
another early kinda cute and skinny one
then this one for obvious reasons but also because its a great shot of her pussy. I always thought her pussy was great, nicely trimmed but seemed fairly tight considering its probably been fucking plowed over the years.
She's fucking great.


It's good to be the king...
Re: Linsey Dawn Mckenzie

New stuff...

But one of my fave LDM pics is this one....



It's good to be the king...

Terry Sleeper

Closed Account
Re: Linsey Dawn Mckenzie

The full interview that Stern did with LDM is all over the www. If you Google-search carefully, you should find it OK. It is a great piece of Linsey footage and a MUST for the true fan.

Poor Howard - he and his colleagues have never seen the likes of LDM; they just could not accept that she hadn't had a boob-job.

She has had one now, of course, only "in-reverse", alas.


It's good to be the king...

Terry Sleeper

Closed Account
Re: Linsey Dawn Mckenzie

Great posting, Danny - LDM has never done a lot of this sort of stuff (more's the pity).

She looks raw, too - a minimum of make-up, sets, etc., just lets Linsey's fleshy beauty shine through!