Lily Munster or Morticia Addams?

Lily Munster or Morticia Addams?

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Neither one of them were much to write home about, but if I had to choose, I'd definitely take Lily Munster. There probably wouldn't be much left of her after Herman was done with her, but she was far better looking than Morticia. To me, Morticia was really odd looking. She had that really round face and huge forehead, kind of like Christina Ricci. It's unfortunate in both cases, but at least Christina is good looking in just about every other way.

That name reminds me of a quote from a movie called 976 EVIL 2.

Brigitte Nielsen (some sort of store owner in the movie): "You look like... a young Freddy Kreuger."

Patrick O'Bryan (Spike): "And you look like Elvira on steroids!"


I know this post is off topic, but I still had to add it.
Nice thread. :D
I honestly couldn't decide, which show I'd prefer...probably Addams Family. Between Lily and Morticia...I'd probably take Lily. :D

When talking about cult goth chicks, one shouldn't forget one of the, if not the original scream queen: Vampira (played by Maila Nurmi who sadly died in 2008 for she was one of the last classically extravagant Hollywood characters of her generation), beautifully and brilliantly portrayed by Lisa Marie in Tim Burtons "Ed Wood".
Probably Morticia, but that's not to say that I'd kick Lily out of bed, or coffin... :D