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"Lawyers, Guns AND MONEY"


√ Lawyer - Eric Holder- Atty General of the United States of America

√ Guns - Operation Fast and Furious


Lawmakers to Open an Inquiry on Undercover Drug Operation

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans said Monday that they would open an investigation into undercover operations by the Drug Enforcement Administration in which agents have laundered and smuggled millions of dollars in drug money as part of an effort to help Mexico fight organized crime.

The operations, which drug officials said had the support and cooperation of the Mexican government, have funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars across borders and moved millions more through shell accounts to help American agents identify how criminal organizations move their money, where they keep their assets and who their leaders are.

Critics said the operations blur the line between surveillance and facilitating crime, raising questions similar to those around a gun-smuggling operation known as Fast and Furious that involves agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The gun operation has been under investigation for months by Representative Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In a letter on Monday to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., Mr. Issa said he would expand that investigation to include the drug agency, describing its money-laundering investigations as “dangerous schemes” and adding that “the consequences have been disastrous.”

Mr. Issa, Republican of California, asked Mr. Holder to provide a briefing on the undercover operations to his staff on Wednesday. He wrote, “It is almost unfathomable to contemplate the degree to which the United States government has made itself an accomplice to the drug trade, which has thus far left more than 40,000 people dead in Mexico.”

NY Times Article-

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I think all of the pro gun members know about it...and are disgusted enough to not wanna hash it out anymore. And the anti gun members know we will just hand them their own illogical stupidity, in the form of a verbal bitch slap. Be prepared for the crickets.


Meh, you're right, it doesn't matter, we're tired of this story and any part of it. For all we care, just let elements of the U.S. federal the government invest a billion or two $ of fiat currency (printed paper) in the direction of the Mexican drug cartels, eventually the bureaucrats will find the kingpins... and if they don't, you can count on the short memory Americans. :facepalm:

Time to occupy Awashington if you ask me. :hammer:
Really, they're not doing much different than wall st.
After reading the article, I went home with a waitress. The way I always do.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
...The shit has hit the fan!!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Ah this is the Warren Zevon Bill that is still being debated.


Staff member
Meh, you're right, it doesn't matter, we're tired of this story and any part of it. For all we care, just let elements of the U.S. federal the government invest a billion or two $ of fiat currency (printed paper) in the direction of the Mexican drug cartels, eventually the bureaucrats will find the kingpins... and if they don't, you can count on the short memory Americans. :facepalm:

Time to occupy Awashington if you ask me. :hammer:
Really, they're not doing much different than wall st.

they are doing much worse

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
And that's the reason I can't go to Mexico to get laid anymore.

When you're driving around at night in a flashy car and you see a bunch of pick up trucks with a bunch of guys in the bed showing off AK's and AR-15's just looking at you (like trying to make sure it's not one of their bosses before carjacking it).... yeah, better not go back.
And that's the reason I can't go to Mexico to get laid anymore.

When you're driving around at night in a flashy car and you see a bunch of pick up trucks with a bunch of guys in the bed showing off AK's and AR-15's just looking at you (like trying to make sure it's not one of their bosses before carjacking it).... yeah, better not go back.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
^ Both were ill-advised operations and both administrations should be held accountable. That it was initiated during the Bush administration doesn't mean shit and shouldn't let the Obama administration off the hook. How fucking stupid do you have to be to hatch an idea like that in the first place? How fucking stupid do you have to be to continue a policy that's arming dangerous criminals? That right-wingers want to excuse the Bush administration is fucking pathetic and disgusting.
Now, when J-o-n Stewart starts ripping this "operation", Obama is in deep doggie doo doo, though the guy and his audience will still vote for Obama anyway, but still it could be a set back when it comes to independents and not dyed in the wool Obama believers, I mean, his audience isn't exactly made up of Tea Party Conservative Republicans

^ Both were ill-advised operations and both administrations should be held accountable. That it was initiated during the Bush administration doesn't mean shit and shouldn't let the Obama administration off the hook. How fucking stupid do you have to be to hatch an idea like that in the first place? How fucking stupid do you have to be to continue a policy that's arming dangerous criminals? That right-wingers want to excuse the Bush administration is fucking pathetic and disgusting.

Yes, they were ill advised. Well, it was a risky idea under Bush administration to track them and see where those weapons went and of course made about 1,400 arrests due to that program, but when they lost SOME (not all) of those weapons the program was shut down as it was finally considered to be too risky, even with the knowledge and "assistance" of the Mexican government, and as of yet no Wide Receiver weapons have been found in crime scenes on this side of the border. So was it ill advised under Bush? Yes, but it wasn't as bad as under O because (look at Ace Boobtoucher's post though I think that the number of guns involved in that op is a little too high, a number I heard some place is of about 400 guns only in Wide Receiver, compared to the 2,000+ under Fast and Furious)


Complete and total non-issue for voters. The additional guns that either operation added is a drop in the bucket to what's already there and how available more guns are. Does anyone think that these cartels can't get as many AK's as they want, when they want?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Complete and total non-issue for voters. The additional guns that either operation added is a drop in the bucket to what's already there and how available more guns are. Does anyone think that these cartels can't get as many AK's as they want, when they want?

Well of course they can. That's the point. The fact is, most come from Mexico's own corrupt military, police, and political structure.......that's why it's of the utmost importance that Holder, Obama, and probably Hillary and Bloomberg are held accountable, for the murders, the treason, and every other charge that can be added. The American people need to be told EXACTLY what the truth is, and who is accountable. They need to know how they were lied to, and how their Constitutional rights are being put in danger, because of the actions of their leaders, and the influence of foreign leaders.

I'll say this....it's THE MAIN issue for me, and I will go out of my way to inform as many people as I can, and I will make it my personal agenda to write as many politicians as I can, to lobby for justice.

The best way to deal with this problem is simple.......LOCK THE BORDER! You come in illegally. First time, you're sent back......second time, you're sent back in a body bag. If you're already here, and we catch you, you go back missing something. If you just came here for a better life, you go back missing your right to come back. If you're here to break the law, you go back missing an eye, or a hand. The Mexican Government should be informed that we will no longer support tourism in their country, and we should line the border with so many Humvee's, and Mi Abrams tanks, that the illegals have to grease their bellies to squeeze through. If a pregnant woman makes it through....no more automatic citizen ship. Problem solved.


Well of course they can. That's the point. The fact is, most come from Mexico's own corrupt military, police, and political structure.......that's why it's of the utmost importance that Holder, Obama, and probably Hillary and Bloomberg are held accountable, for the murders, the treason, and every other charge that can be added. The American people need to be told EXACTLY what the truth is, and who is accountable. They need to know how they were lied to, and how their Constitutional rights are being put in danger, because of the actions of their leaders, and the influence of foreign leaders.

I'll say this....it's THE MAIN issue for me, and I will go out of my way to inform as many people as I can, and I will make it my personal agenda to write as many politicians as I can, to lobby for justice.

The best way to deal with this problem is simple.......LOCK THE BORDER! You come in illegally. First time, you're sent back......second time, you're sent back in a body bag. If you're already here, and we catch you, you go back missing something. If you just came here for a better life, you go back missing your right to come back. If you're here to break the law, you go back missing an eye, or a hand. The Mexican Government should be informed that we will no longer support tourism in their country, and we should line the border with so many Humvee's, and Mi Abrams tanks, that the illegals have to grease their bellies to squeeze through. If a pregnant woman makes it through....no more automatic citizen ship. Problem solved.

Are you sure you wouldn't be happier living in Saudi Arabia?