Law Enforcement Officials Who Support Legalization of All Drugs


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

^^ :hatsoff: :hatsoff:

Will, in America you :ban2: the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol for consumption from 1919 to 1933 did it work? :nono: :crash: it just lead to more organised crime.

it's time to try something different and making drugs legal is the only other option alongside education. :thumbsup:

Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Legalize it and tax it. Once you have the product available legally there's no more need for drug dealers. The people's whose income comes mostly from drug sales also take a hit i.e. gangs. Just a ripple effect.

Sure there are going to be people who say, oh everyone will become a drug addict. Yeah, I could see an increase use in marijuana but most folks will stay away from the more hardcore drugs i.e. cocaine, heroin etc. Why? Because your average drug user is a recreational druggie same like people who drink alcohol. Not everyone of them is a full blown alcoholic. With the money you no longer spend on the War on Drugs you can put that into rehabilitation centres and with the money you'll get from taxing the stuff you'll still come out way ahead.
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

If only things were so easy.There's a law called "The Law of unforeseen consequences" which would strike with a vengeance.Unfortunately it seems to be a problem to which no solution exists.
It's easy to say "let the users kill themselves, that's their business and they are no great loss" but of course these peple are important to somebody.It's easy to say "make it legal and associated crime will disappear" but this is carelessly thought out.Fact is that governments around the world, of all political persuasions,find it necessary to proscribe certain substances.There's no magic wand.


Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Here in Britain the government hired a guy to find out what the best way to cope with the drug problem..................when he done his research and gave them an answer of "legalize drugs" they promptly fired him..

What is the point asking people that are experts in the field?

Just to disregard there findings when then government doesnt like there answers


Postal Paranoiac
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Yep. Legalize with control, like booze. That way I can get pot instead of eyedrops.


Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

I have a big bag of skunk next to me right now , having a few spliffs to chill out on a sunday night but I could go to jail for smoking a plant in the comfort of my own home ,I probably wont leave the house , the only harm Im going to come to , is if I choke on my big bag munchies

Also they could legalize drugs tax them and hey presto , they have more money to blow up shepards in mountains in the middle east & play hide & seek with the world most wanted man


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Also they could legalize drugs tax them and hey presto , they have more money to blow up shepards in mountains in the middle east & play hide & seek with the world most wanted man

Your forgot one. Throwing money at fortune 500 companies to give out multi million dollar bonuses to their ceo's.
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Yeah, it's that easy. Legalize it and all the problems are gone.

The substances won't change just because the law does. And I'm not saying alcohol or tobacco is okay, they're shit as well, and more dangerous than numerous drugs. If you ask me, they should all be illegal.

9 out of 10 people can't handle drugs. That's the main issue. They don't know what they're taking, how it effects them, how to dose, when the peak comes or the side-effects. No drugs are that much more potent than prescription-based medications (some are the same substance), only they don't have instructions and they're used by irresponsible people most of the time.
If everything would be legal, the number of users would increase, hence the number of casualties would increase. As it is now, drugs is an underground thing. You don't slip into drug-use (contrary to what addicts say), you actively pursue it. Eventually it becomes an addiction if you're careless. And most of these things are poisonous, so an addiction will either damage you permanently or at worst, kill you.

I prefer it the way it is now. If one wants drugs, it's not hard to get them if you're street smart. A legalization would just benefit the producers (like tobacco companies today). These producers won't give a damn if people become junkies and throw away their lives. And besides, high people don't belong out in society, just as drunk people don't. People should be able to visit public places without bumping into some crack-addict or someone psyched out on LSD, since they very much effect your judgment, temper and attitude.

That's my 2 cents. I love drugs, but prefer to keep them obscure and away from the public, until something proves that everyone can handle them properly.


Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

Yeah, it's that easy. Legalize it and all the problems are gone.

The substances won't change just because the law does. And I'm not saying alcohol or tobacco is okay, they're shit as well, and more dangerous than numerous drugs. If you ask me, they should all be illegal.

9 out of 10 people can't handle drugs. That's the main issue. They don't know what they're taking, how it effects them, how to dose, when the peak comes or the side-effects. No drugs are that much more potent than prescription-based medications (some are the same substance), only they don't have instructions and they're used by irresponsible people most of the time.
If everything would be legal, the number of users would increase, hence the number of casualties would increase. As it is now, drugs is an underground thing. You don't slip into drug-use (contrary to what addicts say), you actively pursue it. Eventually it becomes an addiction if you're careless. And most of these things are poisonous, so an addiction will either damage you permanently or at worst, kill you.

I prefer it the way it is now. If one wants drugs, it's not hard to get them if you're street smart. A legalization would just benefit the producers (like tobacco companies today). These producers won't give a damn if people become junkies and throw away their lives. And besides, high people don't belong out in society, just as drunk people don't. People should be able to visit public places without bumping into some crack-addict or someone psyched out on LSD, since they very much effect your judgment, temper and attitude.

That's my 2 cents. I love drugs, but prefer to keep them obscure and away from the public, until something proves that everyone can handle them properly.

But if they are legal they cant be mixed with shit also I have taken drugs all my life Im not an addict , I take coke & E when I go out also taken a few acid & shrooms also K and a smoke , I hold down a job pay my bills & party hard & so do all my friends and trust me everyone of us can handle our drugs and always have done , the reason I want it legalized is so I know what Im getting , also it becomes legal crime comes down has been proven in some cases also it can be regulated instead of back alley deals , Im not some little kid either , Im in my 30s now & Ive been round the block and dealt with people with drug problems , most people die from drugs because they dont know what they contain , just now in Scotland 15 people have died from Anthrax poisoning in the last couple of weeks from back ally drug deals & use


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

I really just want weed legalized so I can smoke it without having to worry about getting popped for a random drug test bullshit at work.


Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

I really just want weed legalized so I can smoke it without having to worry about getting popped for a random drug test bullshit at work.

Yes and that as well :hatsoff:
Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

I have a big bag of skunk next to me right now , having a few spliffs to chill out on a sunday night but I could go to jail for smoking a plant in the comfort of my own home ,I probably wont leave the house , the only harm Im going to come to , is if I choke on my big bag munchies

Also they could legalize drugs tax them and hey presto , they have more money to blow up shepards in mountains in the middle east & play hide & seek with the world most wanted man

It's irrational how some people still think it's great to give cops and judges the authority to have you arrested, locked away and give you a prison record for possession and drug use. In my state of California, there's a severe budget crisis, prisons are overcrowded and dangerous, so there's no need to lock up functioning non-violent drug users with sadistic violent criminals and ruining their employment status or opportunities just becoz they are caught using drugs. Sending drug users to over-crowded prisons only makes things worse and when they come out, it's very hard for them to find employment becoz they have a jail record and so many of them end up turning to crime to survive and end up back in jail again


Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs

It's irrational how some people still think it's great to give cops and judges the authority to have you arrested, locked away and give you a prison record for possession and drug use. In my state of California, there's a severe budget crisis, prisons are overcrowded and dangerous, so there's no need to lock up functioning non-violent drug users with sadistic violent criminals and ruining their employment status or opportunities just becoz they are caught using drugs. Sending drug users to over-crowded prisons only makes things worse and when they come out, it's very hard for them to find employment becoz they have a jail record and so many of them end up turning to crime to survive and end up back in jail again

Im from Scotland and its pretty much the same here , they wont throw you in jail for a little bit of weed though but I know people that have been jailed for 4 years for giving a undercover cop two E , even though she asked him if he knew anyone that could get them , so he went and found someone , got them gave them to her , then he got the jail & that was in a club , he wasnt dealin he just thought he was doing her a favour , I was there but I thought there was something dodgy about her , she just didnt seem to fit in so I kind of kept my distance , 6 of us went out that night & I was the only one that didnt get lifted and at least 3 of them done 2 years or more because they got caught with there own personal drugs , I have a record as well for smokin spliffs at festivals and getting caught with a couple of E & coke , hasnt really affected my job prospects and its only been fines not jail time , I just seem to forget them when I apply for jobs :rofl:

But it has stopped me from travelling abroad , I wanted to go to Florida to see my mate for a few months & do a bit of work with him & see how it would go.............pffffffffffffffft!!! Not a chance , as soon as drugs were mentioned it was , goodbye Habo :wave2:

Aw well Florida & the Usa's loss :rofl: