Largest Web-Spinning Spider Discovered (BEWARE! Pic inside!)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Damn what a huge thing!! (Hmm...could be the first time this sentence is not used sex-related on a porn board)

About the size of a standard CD, a newly described spider is now considered the largest in a class of web-spinners.


The oversized dimensions — a body length of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) and a leg span of 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12 cm) — describe the females of N. komaci only. The males, which are considered normal-size spiders, are on average five times smaller.


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Re: Largest Web-Spinning Spider Discovered

Holy shit! That’s nasty!!! :eek: (Yes I suffer from Arachnophobia)
Unless they're poisonous, spiders don't scare me. Except for the ones in the original Resident Evil, those ones scared the living shit out of me when I was little.


They should have called it a 7 legged spider ! :1orglaugh

I know, I know, spiders molt and grow new legs where necessary. ;)

"The female is 5 times larger ?" :eek:
Fellas, how 'bout it ? wouldn't that be cool if your 'ol lady was the size of a '59 Cadillac ?
well, that might be a stretch .... a horse maybe ? :D
Unless they're poisonous, spiders don't scare me. Except for the ones in the original Resident Evil, those ones scared the living shit out of me when I was little.

So how do you know if they are poisonous? Can you recognize and name spiders on sight?
Black Widow and Brown Recluse are the big ones in my area and I know what they look like on sight. If I don't know what they are, I will be cautious when dealing with them. I won't run around screaming and jumping up and down.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

Nooooooo! :eek: I hate spiders.
Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

That just means I need to get me a bigger pair of stomping boots. God I hate those now giant fucks.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

just in time for my first-grader's spider project which is due Friday. Thanks Mini
Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

Yet. You hate the spiders I post! You go looking for your own! Hmmph! Seems you just don't like me! Or what I have to share.
I will leave you and your spiders alone then.

Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

Yet. You hate the spiders I post! You go looking for your own! Hmmph! Seems you just don't like me! Or what I have to share.
I will leave you and your spiders alone then.


i blame you n your spider pix
ya jinxed me i tell ya
Re: 'Giant' orb web spider discovered

i blame you n your spider pix
ya jinxed me i tell ya

Now you pulled out the B word... lame is in blame for a reason! :1orglaugh

You love the spiders. Admit it! :D