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Koch Brothers study : Medicare for all will save trillions of dollars

Thanks to the Koch Brothers, We Have More Proof that Single Payer Saves Money and Cares for All of Us

A study that was intended to make the case against Medicare for All reveals that the reform could save Americans trillions of dollars.

The Koch brothers have invested billions of dollars in a decades-long campaign to turn public opinion against necessary reforms, such as the establishment of a single-payer health-care system in the United States.
But now a Koch brothers–supported project is making the case for the “Medicare for All” reform that has been championed by progressives such as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

A working paper produced by the Koch-funded Mercatus Center at George Mason University
, which examined the potential costs of the Medicare for All Act (M4A) that has been sponsored by Sanders, was released with much fanfare this week[/B]. It was immediately embraced by right-wing politicians who are close to the Kochs, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who tweeted an article on the study with the message: “$32.6 trillion dollars.That’s how much Washington Democrats’ single-payer healthcare proposal would cost over 10 years. Even doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes wouldn’t cover this cost. It is just absurd.”

Ryan is supposed to be the GOP’s “numbers guy.” But he missed the most important numbers in the study. While the speaker fixated on a prediction by the author of the working paper that the Sanders plan would raise federal health-care spending by roughly $32.6 trillion between 2022 and 2031, economists who actually read the report focused on a far more salient detail. On page 18 of the paper, in a section titled “Effects on National Health Expenditures and the Federal Budget,” came mention that under the Sanders plan “national personal health care costs decrease by less than 2 percent, while total health expenditures decrease by only 4 percent, even after assuming substantial administrative cost savings.”

That’s right. A report that was supposed to discredit the single-payer solution found that, even after the benefits of a Medicare for All program are realized—”additional healthcare demand that arises from eliminating copayments, providing additional categories of benefits, and covering the currently uninsured”—the potential cost of the plan would still be less than “potential savings associated with cutting provider payments and achieving lower drug costs.”

What that translates to is what Medicare for All advocates have been saying all along: Under a single-payer system, Americans would get more quality care for more people at less cost.

“Health care costs, even for those who have health insurance, are endangering tens of millions of people every day in this country,” said National Nurses United union co-president Jean Ross, RN. “What even this corporate-funded study concedes is that we can actually guarantee health care for everyone in this country, without the devastating, rising costs of premiums, deductibles, and co-pays–at less than we spend as a nation today on health costs.”

Needless to say, Sanders was delighted to turn the tables on the billionaire class.
“Thank you, Koch brothers, for accidentally making the case for Medicare for All!” the senator declared on Tuesday.
But he did not stop there. Sanders recorded a video in which he said, “Let me thank the Koch brothers, of all people, for sponsoring a study that shows that ‘Medicare for All’ would save the American people $2 trillion over a 10-year period.”

The long-time advocate for a single-payer system was not exactly singing the praises of the Mercatus study, which he dismissed as a “grossly misleading and biased” attempt by the Koch brothers to counter “growing support in our country for a ‘Medicare for All’ program.”

But Sanders had every right to point out that, when a report that is embraced by the likes of Paul Ryan says a Medicare for All system will save Americans trillions of dollars, the case for reform has been strengthened by the very people who thought they were making a case against reform.

At the heart of all advocacy for Medicare for All is a moral argument. But, thanks to the Koch brothers, there is now an even stronger economic argument to go with it. As Senator Sanders says: “If every major country on earth can guarantee health care to all, and achieve better health outcomes, while spending substantially less per capita than we do, it is absurd for anyone to suggest that the United States cannot do the same.”

“ Premiums and deductibles will be reduced by $2500.00 dollars a year “ “ If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period!”
More fucking lies from the lyingest liars of all time. Liberals.
Americans will pay 35 trillion over the next 10 years for healthcare under our current system. Bernie’s plan calls for healthcare at a cost of 32 trillion over 20 years. So you say, “Bernie’s plan is 2 trillion less then we should go for that”. The problem is that under Bernie’s plan taxes will go through the roof for a system worse than what we have now. Before Obamacare the costs for American individuals and businesses was 2 trillion a year . This was as late as 2009. Based upon that, healthcare costs over a 10 year period would be 22 trillion saving about 13 trillion over a 10 year period.
Under a single-payer system, Americans would get more quality care for more people at less cost
it comes from a fucking Koch bros funded study so you can't run your favorite argument : "numbers are skewed".

The only reason not to support Medicare for All would be to be in bed with insurrance companies. Or to care more about politics than about policy and how they affect people's lives.
it comes from a fucking Koch bros funded study so you can't run your favorite argument : "numbers are skewed".

The only reason not to support Medicare for All would be to be in bed with insurrance companies. Or to care more about politics than about policy and how they affect people's lives.
1.) My earlier post should have said 32 trillion over 10 years not 20.
2) I have never had better quality healthcare than I had before 2010.
3) Mortimer and Randolph Koch are globalists and liars themselves.
4) I explained their numbers and why Bernie’s plan wouldn’t work even with the study results.
5) It’s a moot point. Socialist Bernie Sanders will never be elected president and I can’t wait for your contention that a socialist can win the presidency to be blown out of the water come 2020.
6) The reason to not support “ Healthcare for all” is that the minimum tax rate would be 50-60 percent.
1.) My earlier post should have said 32 trillion over 10 years not 20.
2) I have never had better quality healthcare than I had before 2010.
3) Mortimer and Randolph Koch are globalists and liars themselves.
4) I explained their numbers and why Bernie’s plan wouldn’t work even with the study results.
5) It’s a moot point. Socialist Bernie Sanders will never be elected president and I can’t wait for your contention that a socialist can win the presidency to be blown out of the water come 2020.
6) The reason to not support “ Healthcare for all” is that the minimum tax rate would be 50-60 percent.

1) Ok
2) Doesn't mean you can't have better. And doesn't mean others feels that way
3) They are also strong GOP advocates and would have no interest in skewing numbers in favor of a Medicare for All
4) You explained whatever you want, the fact is a study funded by people who would have no reason to push for that plan found it would be cheaper and more efficient.
5) Depends on your definition of "socialist". I've seen a lot of right-wingers like you call Obama a socialist. Yet he won. Twice. For 2 years Democrats and liberal all over America said Trump will never win. He won. So don't be too hasty when making predictions, you might regret it and trustcomes 2020, if Bernie wins, I'll dig back these predictions of yours...)
6) BS
5) Obama is a socialist that had to run in the center to get elected.
6) It is a fact. Moreover, it is the main reason that states rejected Obamacare exchanges because of the enormous tax rate hikes that they would have to impose.


Staff member
5) Depends on your definition of "socialist". I've seen a lot of right-wingers like you call Obama a socialist. Yet he won. Twice. For 2 years Democrats and liberal all over America said Trump will never win. He won. So don't be too hasty when making predictions, you might regret it and trustcomes 2020, if Bernie wins, I'll dig back these predictions of yours...)
Kinda like Reagan, none would think he would win a second time but Bernie is implicated in the Manafort case and is a fucking socialisit dolt with zero economical vision and program over the long run.
Jack isn't too hasty , he is realistic, look at how shitty are democrat socialist and democrat candidates, they are crap when it comes to economy, immigration and boarder control as well as they want to abolish ICE. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and their alikes are all crap.
And let's not forget while talking about Obamacare.

Obamacare premiums set to skyrocket next year


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Fox & Friends Poll Designed to Discredit Medicare for All Explodes in Their Face

"A majority say yes to healthcare for all! The benefits: Guaranteed medical care, dental, vision and hearing, for all Americans, free at the point-of-care. The savings: $2 trillion over 10 years."

When President Donald Trump's favorite right-wing television program "Fox & Friends" launched a Twitter poll on Tuesday asking whether the benefits of Medicare for All "outweigh the costs," they likely didn't expect 73 percent of the nearly 32,000 respondents to answer yes—but that's precisely what happened.
"Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6 trillion, new study says. Would the benefits outweigh the costs?" the survey asked, referencing a recent Koch Brothers-funded study that found Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vt.) universal healthcare program would save $2 trillion over ten years—a fact that "Fox & Friends" conveniently neglected to mention in both its poll and its coverage of the new analysis.

Despite the misleading framing "Fox & Friends" deployed, the results of the unscientific survey were overwhelming.


The failed attempt by "Fox & Friends" to falsely document Medicare for All as unpopular—despite recent surveys showing that progressive policies like single-payer are experiencing unprecedented support, including among Republicans—fits an emerging pattern of right-wing media outlets falling face-first in their attempts to discredit commonsense, straightforward, and bold ideas.

As Common Dreams reported, right-wing Daily Caller editor Virginia Kruta attended a rally last week featuring a speech by democratic socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In an appearance on Fox News, Kruta recounted the "truly terrifying" experience of hearing Ocasio-Cortez advocate policies that "everybody wants, especially if you're a parent."
"They talk about education for your kids, healthcare for your kids, the things that you want," Kruta said of democratic socialists like Ocasio-Cortez.

Responding to Kruta's remarks, journalist Sarah Jaffe asked, "Does Fox know that they're unwittingly creating commercials for socialism?"

First that Koch Bros. stdy, now that Fox & Friends Poll. Please, guys, keep up like this, you're actually making our case for us.
6) The reason to not support “ Healthcare for all” is that the minimum tax rate would be 50-60 percent...It is a fact. Moreover, it is the main reason that states rejected Obamacare exchanges because of the enormous tax rate hikes that they would have to impose.


That's how much tax I pay in Australia so that everyone can have free health care. There has been talk of raising it to 2.5%, so that we can fully fund everyone who is on lifetime disability. I'd be fine with that.

You're either a liar, or so stupid that you believe what limbaugh tells you and repeat it as fact.

That's how much tax I pay in Australia so that everyone can have free health care. There has been talk of raising it to 2.5%, so that we can fully fund everyone who is on lifetime disability. I'd be fine with that.

You're either a liar, or so stupid that you believe what limbaugh tells you and repeat it as fact.

that's wonderful, but what's the downside?

I'm not as smart as you obviously, but that old adage - if something seems too good to be true ...

Hell yeah, I'd pay a 2% medicare surcharge for free healthcare, but at what cost?
Because mongo and Johan are not smart.


”Although Blahous’s study estimated that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” proposal would impose a fiscal burden of $32 trillion (yes, trillion) over ten years and a likely annual tax increase of $26,000 per American household, single-payer advocates have been thrilled by its publication, seizing on its comparison between the estimated cost and expected private health-insurance spending over that ten-year period to argue that it would actually save Americans $2 trillion.
This “finding” is merely the result of a preposterous assumption: that because Medicare currently pays 40 percent less than private insurers for hospital services, the cost of delivering hospital services to the privately insured could be proportionately reduced simply by having the government rather than insurers pay hospitals for them.

Australia’s burden for Australian Medicare is around 150 billion a year. The U.S would be 2 trillion.
Taxes would raise by 26,000 fucking dollars per household.

But I’m the liar.
To borrow a phrase, you’re the turd of the board.