I'm looking for this Kitten Natividad movie. It's in a scene from the movie Another 48 Hrs. Starring
Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. The scene is in an adult movie theater and there's a sexy black and
white Kitten Natividad scene playing on the screen. And the biker gang rides through the screen.
Check out the movie if you haven't seen it. If anybody can tell me the name of that movie It'll be much
appreciated. I've been trying to figure it out for a long time.
Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. The scene is in an adult movie theater and there's a sexy black and
white Kitten Natividad scene playing on the screen. And the biker gang rides through the screen.
Check out the movie if you haven't seen it. If anybody can tell me the name of that movie It'll be much
appreciated. I've been trying to figure it out for a long time.