Kin outraged, distraught over teen's cyber suicide

Kin outraged, distraught over teen's cyber suicide

MIAMI – The family of a college student who killed himself live on the Internet say they're horrified his life ended before a virtual audience, and infuriated that viewers of the live webcam or operators of the Web site that hosted it didn't act sooner to save him.

Only after police arrived to find Abraham Biggs dead in his father's bed did the Web feed stop Wednesday — 12 hours after the 19-year-old Broward College student first declared on a Web site that he hated himself and planned to die.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hmm, so that was real. :dunno:

Shouldn't this kid's "kin" be a little more upset with, oooooh, I don't know...HIM?!?! I smell a ridiculous lawsuit coming up.
Isnt the means of how he did it just a distraction from the fact he did it at all? Whether it was public or private the end result is still the same. Unlike a private suicide they have someone to lay blame on other than themselves, "How could they/you let this happen?" rather than now questioning themselves in why they didnt do more in the spotting signs of and stopping him taking his life.

I question the kids sanity in the issue, a person jumping off a high building won't have planned it based on the publicity of the spectacle, its just a sure fire way to certain death. Announcing, planning and broadcasting your own suicide is...deranged.
i love living in florida. everything happens here
This might be the saddest story I've heard in a long time. Further proof of the decline of Western Civilization?
what were they supposed to do about it?

it's not like freeone's has our real names on it, let alone our home address and phone number.

also from what I heard it was the boy who cried wolf; he made that threat many times on the site. how were they supposed to know that he was even really doing it?
Hmm, so that was real. :dunno:

Shouldn't this kid's "kin" be a little more upset with, oooooh, I don't know...HIM?!?! I smell a ridiculous lawsuit coming up.

Yep......never mind the guy obviously had some pretty fucked up things going on in his head.....and where were his KIN while he was spiraling downward? Nope.......some innocent schmuck is going to get the blame for this one.

God Bless America.
Give the kid credit. He said he was going to do it and he did. This country needs more people who stay the course and stick to their principles.
I hope the family is at least able to get a copy of the webcam video so they have something to remember him by....

But I guess the movie would be spoiled, since they already know the ending.

Plus everything everyone has already said....kid's fault....what were the board members supposed to grounds for lawsuit...etc.