Kids are to blame for the shitty economy

The minimum wage: Job killer?


With many states facing record numbers of unemployed teens, economists debate whether to blame the downturn or minimum-wage hikes
As the economic recovery stalls, teen unemployment is hitting record levels in many states. Nationally, the unemployment rate for Americans ages 16 to 19 is more than 24 percent — and more than 40 percent for African Americans. There are many causes for the dire statistics, but conservatives say one is the hike in the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour in 2007 to $7.25 by 2009. Is that really why so many teenagers can't find work?

Of course the minimum wage is hurting teens: Driving the minimum wage ever higher "doesn't end up delivering prosperity," says Ed Morrissey at Hot Air. "It drives up business costs," which inevitably forces some employers to cut some jobs. And when they have to pay people $2 more an hour, they're going to give what work they do have to more experienced applicants rather than to inexperienced teenagers.
"How has that minimum-wage hike worked for teens?"

No. It's the recession, stupid: Obviously, "teens have been hit hard by the recession," says Anne Thompson at But the problem isn't the minimum wage, it's just that older workers are now taking jobs that used to go to teens. And as the "youngest, least experienced members of the workforce," teens are "among the last to be rehired in economic recoveries." Since World War II, teen unemployment has typically been 2.5 to 3.5 times the total rate. And "with overall unemployment at a painful 9.1 percent, May’s teen unemployment rate of 24.2 falls within that historic range."
"Minimum wage not to blame for teen unemployment"

Both sides are right... and wrong: Minimum wage opponents have a point, says Antoine Gara at Bloomberg Businessweek. It's true that, because the minimum wage is higher than the actual value of teens' labor, it keeps "some low-skilled workers out of the market." But as economists note, "the main cause of unemployment today is a lack of demand, not overpriced labor." Dropping the minimum wage might help a bit, but it's hardly a panacea.
"Would killing the minimum wage help?"
Well the problem with hiking minimum wage is that the business owner just passes it on to the consumer by jacking up the price. Its stupid, what really needs to be done is that if company A mnakes $10million, you tax tax them $5million which then goes back to social programs.
Yes that company could turn around and still try and pass that tax hike off on to the consumer. You just have to regulate that through government agencies. Yes that ios close to true socialism, but there has now come a tipping point that favors the rich too much. We as a society in america have truely become an 'Animal Farm" society. This needs to stop and the only way to fix it is by truely revamping the system. We have all had thoughs broke cars that we just keep propping up, replace the fuel pump, the water pump, new shocks, new struts. You know when it has become to much to maintain your car and you get rid of it for a new one. I think it is about time that the capitalist way gets revamped.
Not only that but some employees have to be axed to make up the lost of profit and money. If you don't want to make minimum wage get in a job field that is wide open and will provide you more money.

I'm going to currently get into autopsy tech. I'll be making around 14-18 bucks where I'll be working. Right now I am working in a nursing home and making a good bit and only had to go through a little bit of time for the classes.

There are so many job fields out there where you can make money it is unbelievable. You just have to take the time to do what is required to get them jobs.

Unless of course working at a gas station, grocery store, or retail cashier position is all you want to do in life and hope it takes you to retirement where you will really be scraping by.