Ken Bone's online history is actually really sketchy

This one is for iceman and all the "boners" out there:

Ken Bone ogled Jennifer Lawrence’s “butt hole,” believes Trayvon Martin’s death was justified, admitted to “insurance fraud” and is a fan of kinky “PreggoPorn,”

“Maybe she should have been more careful with her pics, but the bad guys are still the ones who sought them out and looked at them. By which I mean guys like me. I saw her butt hole. I liked it,” he wrote under the handle StanGibson18.

He also dabbled in some NSFW fringe forums, including “PreggoPorn” — pregnant women in swimsuits — whom he referred to as “beautiful human submarines.”

And in one particular moment of TMI, Bone gushed about how great sex is after his vasectomy.
“I had mine 2 years ago. Sexual satisfaction is way up. My wife loves it too. Can’t recommend it enough,” he wrote.

And the same user even admitted to committing “felony insurance fraud” when he wrote that he forged documents “to make it look like I had car insurance so I wouldn’t get fired from my pizza delivery job.”
“During the 2 months it took me to pay to get my real insurance back my fake cards and documentation fooled 3 bosses and a cop,” he wrote.

During the AMA session, the married Bone revealed that he doesn’t change his clothes often, blamed cheeseburgers for his physique and said he sleeps in the buff.

Well that explains why he's always wearing that same sweater. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with liking J-law's colon, I'm just saying it's symbolic how america can fall in love with this guy who turns out to be kinda of a freak.

Will E Worm

I Googled some preggers porn.

I just came to the realization that some pregnant women aren't completely unfuckable.


Hiliary 2020
I just found out about K-Boney.
This thing seems to be an example of , "I believe in free speech, as long as you agree with me".

Proves again what Trump says at 9:45

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I believe VodkazVictim is K-Bone. He's just weird enough. I doubt it's someone like Cmdr. Potatoe, though. He didn't ask anything about contrails, GMOs or any other wing-nuttery that would have tipped us off.

Wouldn't it be great if it were somebody truly disturbed like, say......BaconSalt. That would be fantastic.