Keep getting logged out

Last couple of weeks it really is getting very annoying. Lots of times I want to comment on a thread or try to (like now) make a post, I keep getting the message that I am not logged in. While I just few seconds earlier logged in. Clearing cache does not help at all, just did so and done it several times already this week, and so is not the isssue.
Hope you can help me out. Also, seems like I am stuck on 839 points several weeks/months now, not the biggest problem for me, but maybe somehow they are connected that is why I brought it up here......



Closed Account
I´m looking in to the login issue, I hope to have more information for you shortly.

As for the credits, only logging in to the board wont give you your daily login credits, you will have to actually go to the main site and make sure that you are logged in there to get those.
Thanks for that :)!

How is it that my points used to build up than, I did nothing new or different than I've always done all these years? Got reps and gave away plenty. Like I said, not that an issue for me, thoug it is nice to download a gallery or vid with the extra points.


Closed Account
We´ve checked the usual suspects here and we cant seem to locate the issue.

Can you please check your cookie settings and make sure to have the set to accept cookies and then let me know.
Well, it is set as accepted. I do visit other sites (as a member) and as afar as I can tell, never had this happen on the other sites. Not criticism by he way, just sharing info.


Closed Account
Can you send some additional information to me please.

Browser / version
Operating system
What country are you located in?

If you could also get a screenshot of any error messages you see that would be great.

And if you could please send this to
Today I had no problems at all, comes and goes really.....last week it happened quite often.
I wil send you the info you asked for, no screenshots yet, sorry for that. Should made one when it happened.
All the other info I will send to you by email, for personal reasons ofcours.
To be quite honest, this weeks it seems to be as worse as it ever was, perhaps even more! Dont know why, but it is real bad especially today! I did switch from OS though, but I noticed a lot of people having this issue on the site......


Works for panties
This hasn't happened to me in a while, but when it does, I've found that the best thing to do is to just check the "remember me" box, and that seems to solve the problem of getting logged off every time you turn around.
Thanks :)! But from one Mandy worshipper to another, it should not happen in the first place, so it just as well that the issue being brought to light by several members. Let's see how the it is going in the next couple of days, if it is not solved I will give your option a try.......


Works for panties
I agree it shouldn't be happening in the first place, but atleast the "remember me" box provides a solution that we can use when it happens to us so that we can stay logged in, while they try to fix the problem. And we probably should still let them know when it happens, or they might think the problem is solved when it's not and everyone's just ticking "remember me."


Works for panties
I just had the quickest log out ever, I think. Immediately after the redirect page thanking me for logging in, when it loaded the page I was previously on, I wasn't logged in.

Oh, and while I'm here, this is somewhat unrelated, but the list of threads hasn't been displaying properly, with the threads with the most recent activity not displaying at the top or disappearing from the top after I refresh the page and nothing else has changed.
And once again it happens, last couple of weeks quite a lot to honest.......possible to fix it for me?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
And once again it happens, last couple of weeks quite a lot to honest.......possible to fix it for me?

Hmm, not sure about this one. No one else is saying anything yet. It could very well be a cookies issue. What you using for a browser/version and OS right now?
It happened a few times a while back, about 5 weeks ago or something, I reinstalled Windows 8 (upgraded to now 8.1), two weeks later it really happened a lot. Last couple of days it stills happens, not that often as before but when it happens it is really persistent (is that the right term!??), I have to log in several times, and when I am logged in and tick the settings box (or any for that matter), I am logged out just like that.
Not sure if you need al that info, I just give it in case you might help. Oh, using firefox at the moment.
I always log in on the board myself, seldom on the main page. had a message of a friend who had the same problem. Last two days though, no problems, hope it stays that way.