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Just bad luck?

I might be cursed, my FreeOnes friends. If anyone out there is bold enough, foolish enough, to tell you to your face that black magic does not exist, calmly tell them that you do not deal with fascists, and walk away.

Two weeks ago, my truck broke down. I rely heavily on it to get around between the town I live in, and the town my girlfriend and school are in. I use it to get to work, etc., etc. OK, no huge deal really.....it's old....can't afford anything else right now.....vehicles break down. So.....I call my dad, and ask if I can borrow his while I scrape the money together somehow to get mine repaired. He says yes.

Tonight, driving back from Ft. Collins, his truck died as I rolled into Longmont.

Suddenly, the fuel gauge said that I had NO gas in the tank, when I know good and damn well that there was fule in there, as I gassed up before I left tonight. When the truck sputtered and died, I got out and pushed it to the side of the road and was assaulted by the STENCH of gas......I mean, it smelled as though someone poured twenty gallons of gas on the ground right next to me.

On their own, they really aren't THAT big of a deal, my friends, but pile that on top of the fact that there are six or seven bill collectors calling me twenty times a day to pay them money I do not have because the job I have right now (and honestly, I feel lucky to have IT in this economy) pays next to nothing.....basically, enough to pay my rent and eat. The girl I have waited 32 years for may be leaving the country in a few months, possibly for good. A family member recently died. EVERY one of my friends has moved away.

Bad luck? Or did I piss someone or something off BIG TIME......how much longer will it, can it go on? How much is someone supposed to take before he/she fucking snaps?

Believe me...I am all for personal responsibility, and I will be the FIRST one to claim it when necessary......the mess I am in right now is because of me, with the exception of the insaneness that is the Truck Fiasco. I don't wish to come across as whiny.

But holy fucking hell.....I feel like even if I decide to do NOTHING but sit in a quiet living room and stare at the wall, a fucking meteorite will come hurtling down from the cosmos, and crush my skull.

Now.....it is late, and I do not care.....I am going to drink heavily, and await your replies......I do not look for sympathy, my friends.....just needed to share this crap with those who have been good enough to read what I have written before, and maybe, just maybe someone out there will read this post and feel much, much better about their own life.

Bloody hell.
Dude, how about you stop the f***ing drinking? My dad was exactly like that. 'Got a problem? Drink some beer.' Until someday, he didn't stop with the drinking anymore.

And about the whiny part. Well, how do you expect to come across when you do what you just did on the internet? Don't you have a mom or a dad to talk to? My mom gladly listens, when I have something to say and she gladly puts on her shoes and kicks my ass up from the couch. ;) But to do this on the internet....
Talk like 'how much someone can take' or 'when does somebody snap?' and 'I'm gonna drink some more' is a no go. Believe me, if you lived in Germany and someone read this, you'd probably be reported and have the Kriminalamt (FBI) on your front porch in the next couple of days because you'd be considered a possible suspect for either suicide or a killing spree.

Everyone has enough shit in their lives. Some are lucky enough and go through their lives and "only" loose their grandparents and parents over the course of times, others also loose girlfriends, wives, children, home, jobs, cars or money. You don't want me to start. But I'm not complaining about it online. I'm working my ass off to have a better life.
If it doesn't work for you anymore, move away with your girlfriend. If you're really as smart as you always claim to be, learning a new language and getting a new job won't be that much of a problem for you. You can pay your bills later. You bills and problems shouldn't be the center of your life, the solution should be. There is no "god of bad luck" that is evolving his whole masterplan around you.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I might be cursed, my FreeOnes friends. If anyone out there is bold enough, foolish enough, to tell you to your face that black magic does not exist, calmly tell them that you do not deal with fascists, and walk away.

Two weeks ago, my truck broke down. I rely heavily on it to get around between the town I live in, and the town my girlfriend and school are in. I use it to get to work, etc., etc. OK, no huge deal really.....it's old....can't afford anything else right now.....vehicles break down. So.....I call my dad, and ask if I can borrow his while I scrape the money together somehow to get mine repaired. He says yes.

Tonight, driving back from Ft. Collins, his truck died as I rolled into Longmont.

Suddenly, the fuel gauge said that I had NO gas in the tank, when I know good and damn well that there was fule in there, as I gassed up before I left tonight. When the truck sputtered and died, I got out and pushed it to the side of the road and was assaulted by the STENCH of gas......I mean, it smelled as though someone poured twenty gallons of gas on the ground right next to me.

On their own, they really aren't THAT big of a deal, my friends, but pile that on top of the fact that there are six or seven bill collectors calling me twenty times a day to pay them money I do not have because the job I have right now (and honestly, I feel lucky to have IT in this economy) pays next to nothing.....basically, enough to pay my rent and eat. The girl I have waited 32 years for may be leaving the country in a few months, possibly for good. A family member recently died. EVERY one of my friends has moved away.

Bad luck? Or did I piss someone or something off BIG TIME......how much longer will it, can it go on? How much is someone supposed to take before he/she fucking snaps?

Believe me...I am all for personal responsibility, and I will be the FIRST one to claim it when necessary......the mess I am in right now is because of me, with the exception of the insaneness that is the Truck Fiasco. I don't wish to come across as whiny.

But holy fucking hell.....I feel like even if I decide to do NOTHING but sit in a quiet living room and stare at the wall, a fucking meteorite will come hurtling down from the cosmos, and crush my skull.

Now.....it is late, and I do not care.....I am going to drink heavily, and await your replies......I do not look for sympathy, my friends.....just needed to share this crap with those who have been good enough to read what I have written before, and maybe, just maybe someone out there will read this post and feel much, much better about their own life.

Bloody hell.

I have had all of the same things happen to me. different circumstances, different context, but I understand the gist of your problems, I have dealt with them as well, all I can tell you my friend, is do the best you can, don't give up, life is not always bad, almost, but not always, and yeah I think I am cursed or I think I am a bad man, some would agree, but I make up for those bad habits in other ways, like, for the most part being nice to people, helping animals, being polite most of the time, so I :dunno: just play the cards you are dealt. I have, I mean I am spontaneous, I used too worry bout all my :bs:. now, I just say whatever, and don't let it bother me, cuz I can't do anything about it, so I just remind / tell myself, I will figure out something when I get to it, meaning, do what you got to do. you cross that bridge when you get to it, sort of speak, I used have all kinds of $ problems, career problems, health problems, relationship problems, car problems..etc..etc..

I basically let all of those problems beat myself into a irreversible health problem.. so save yourself, and think rational, ask for help if you need it, nobody is perfect. I have a whole new outlook and philosophy on life now. :2 cents::thumbsup::hatsoff:
Dude, how about you stop the f***ing drinking? My dad was exactly like that. 'Got a problem? Drink some beer.' Until someday, he didn't stop with the drinking anymore.

And about the whiny part. Well, how do you expect to come across when you do what you just did on the internet? Don't you have a mom or a dad to talk to? My mom gladly listens, when I have something to say and she gladly puts on her shoes and kicks my ass up from the couch. ;) But to do this on the internet....
Talk like 'how much someone can take' or 'when does somebody snap?' and 'I'm gonna drink some more' is a no go. Believe me, if you lived in Germany and someone read this, you'd probably be reported and have the Kriminalamt (FBI) on your front porch in the next couple of days because you'd be considered a possible suspect for either suicide or a killing spree.

Everyone has enough shit in their lives. Some are lucky enough and go through their lives and "only" loose their grandparents and parents over the course of times, others also loose girlfriends, wives, children, home, jobs, cars or money. You don't want me to start. But I'm not complaining about it online. I'm working my ass off to have a better life.
If it doesn't work for you anymore, move away with your girlfriend. If you're really as smart as you always claim to be, learning a new language and getting a new job won't be that much of a problem for you. You can pay your bills later. You bills and problems shouldn't be the center of your life, the solution should be. There is no "god of bad luck" that is evolving his whole masterplan around you.

Tough love....taken, and appreciated. Good words.
The good news is your experience is a universal one - we all go through those kinds of Murphy's Law stretches, and yeah they're a real bitch, and when you're in the midst of them you can help but think :wtf: is gonna happen next??? Hang in there. This too shall pass.
You might be doing better than me. Right now I don't have a job. I just had to fix my car today also. I have never had the resources to even have a serious relationship with anybody and/or start a family, and at the rate I'm going I'm getting worried because I might very well be homeless in a year.
You might be doing better than me. Right now I don't have a job. I just had to fix my car today also. I have never had the resources to even have a serious relationship with anybody or start a family, and at the rate I'm going I'm getting worried because I might very well be homeless in a year.

I'm sorry man, I really am......fuck.......I wish I hadn't started this thread at all........goddamn it all........
dude since you believe in black magic why dont you cast some spells to bring your luck back up, you know pray to satan and kill some babies its not that hard, they were going to grow up to be garbagemen anyway no big loss.
I'm sorry man, I really am......fuck.......I wish I hadn't started this thread at all........goddamn it all........

I wouldn't worry about it. I'll do my best and whatever happens, happens. Maybe things will tern out better, but nothing has seemed to go right for me the last 9 years. Still I will always have hope. That will be the last thing to die. I was just pointing out that at least your not alone in the world with crappy things happening to them.
I wouldn't worry about it. I'll do my best and whatever happens, happens. Maybe things will tern out better, but nothing has seemed to go right for me the last 9 years. Still I will always have hope. That will be the last thing to die. I was just pointing out that at least your not alone in the world with crappy things happening to them.

Too fucking true........you're right. Hope can't die, until we pass along with it. Right the fuck on man......thanks. :hatsoff:
I simply don't believe in Karma - so many evil people get away with evil acts. Those who do good are sacrificed to the Gods :(
I'm the exact opposite, good things always happen to me. It's like a never ending strecht of good luck (ofcourse sometimes I have a bad day like everyone else). My parents once told me they've always known since I was a small girl that I'd just sail through life and that things will just happen for me. So far they've been right :)
I'm the exact opposite, good things always happen to me. It's like a never ending strecht of good luck (ofcourse sometimes I have a bad day like everyone else). My parents once told me they've always known since I was a small girl that I'd just sail through life and that things will just happen for me. So far they've been right :)

Way to kick a man when he's down. :1orglaugh

Okay, Galactic I'm talking to you now because as you ans everyone knows I know how to deal with situations such as these.

Acid, LSD, whatever you want to call it is your only friend right now. Magic mushrooms if your really strapped for cash. But believe me when I say your never happier when you philosiphising the universe whilst buzzing along on a nice acid trip. Are we all one concousness in millions of different units of motion? Should we abolish hate and begin to love one another for what we are? These are the questions you will ask yoursefl whilst in the precence of God and any number of other supernatural beings. Plus cool looking aliens :D. Which are always nice to speak to, they have a very Zen Buddism out look on life if you know what I'm talking about.

You'll fly, you'll love, you'll even meet three ghosts one from the past, one of the present and one of the future who will tell you what your life is going to end up like and how you should change it. You'll be dead in the future, we all will, but thats just the way it goes. But you have to act thats the whole point, there is no one out there to help you with problems such as these it is up to you to get out of such a rut anyway you can. It's going to be hard, you may want to run away and live in the woods away from society for a few months or years and that cool, groovy, and I'll support you in that decision but one day society will find you and you have to face it head on with no fear or anger. Embrace the world wih open arm and the world will embrace you back ..... then probably punch you in the face. It's a hard world I didnt say it wasnt, but its the only one we have so....

....get over it, and move on. Talk to the aliens, talk to god, talk to your loved ones. But do not run away, for that would be foolish young grasshopper.

Okay so taking a whole bunch of acid is a bad idea. Dont do it. You'll wake up in a puddle of your own piss and shit 20 miles away from your hous in the middle of nowhere wondering why your surrounded by sniffer dogs and 20 men armed with machine guns and tasers. Once you finally regain conciousness back at the station you'll find out you beat up a bunch of school children as they were coming out from school that afternoon and you fled the scene with 6 copies of Moby Dick and the music teachers underwear.

You'll be charged, you probably wont go to jail, but community service is a huge possibility which is never fun. People look at you and laugh, you loose the respect of old people and children throw things at you and you cant kill them because you'll go to jail for certain. It's very frustrating!

Wait ... what was I talking about?

Now I'm depressed, thanks a lot Galactic!!!