Jovovich Returning to Horror Games in Clock Tower

Jovovich is THE shit.

OK, so ultra-violet was ultra-shitty, but I like her. I'm kinda glad that they are doing this often-overlooked game too.

PS. and I like brittany snow too.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
OK, so ultra-violet was ultra-shitty, but I like her. I'm kinda glad that they are doing this often-overlooked game too.

PS. and I like brittany snow too.

I watched Ultra Violet one night when I was drunk. Even though I was heavily intoxicated, I still couldn't find anything enjoyable about it. Well, I take that back...looking at a tightly outfitted Milla Jovovich was rather nice.

PS - Brittany Snow is hot...sometimes...she looks like a 40 year old make-up counter sales woman during the "other" times. I'd still let her wreck me though.


what the fuck you lookin at?
She was pretty good in the resident evil series of movies. Normally video game to movie adaptations end up being shit. But resident evil is the only exception to that. I never played clock tower, hell never even heard of it. But I'm sure it'll be a good movie.

As for her appearance. She may not have any tits, but she does have decent I'd hit it! And she did look damn good in 5th element!


She was great in Fifth Element, I don't think she can ever top that. I just wish she'd stick to modeling.
I loved the The Fifth Element, but she's not exactly a great, or even good, actress. The Resident Evil movies were pretty bad, at least coming from a fan person.

Personally, I thought she was very hot in The Fifth Element, but some of the other stuff I've seen her because in she looks a little thin. She seems to be in good health, though, and very athletic, and we all have different body types.

Also, being a model does for not necessarily mean men will think you are attractive. Men and the modeling world seem to have differing views on attractiveness. To each his or her own.
The Clock Tower games were average at best. Well the first two were. The third one is just terrible with all that constant being chased by certain bad guys and not being able to do fuck all about it except runaway. Nah fuck that. Mind you when you think about it good games turned to movies dont end well in movie form. Now shit games [Clock Tower] turned into movies could have the opposite effect. It's a shame that they chose who they chose to star in it.

Are you kidding? She is beyond hot. She has been a top model since the age of 11. Ugly girls are not top models.

She's not beyond hot.

They tend to pick skinny woman with flat chests a lot of the time to be models. They are stick thin. Jovobitch is a tad too thin. Only a few models have a decent sized chest on them as well.

Also, being a model does for not necessarily mean men will think you are attractive. Men and the modeling world seem to have differing views on attractiveness. To each his or her own.

I aint saying she is the best actress ever but I enjoyed the Resident Evil movies and Fifth Element was superb, and yeh she maybe thin but that is just her natural look. Why do you call her Jovobitch anyway?
I aint saying she is the best actress ever but I enjoyed the Resident Evil movies and Fifth Element was superb, and yeh she maybe thin but that is just her natural look. Why do you call her Jovobitch anyway?

I aint questioning your love for her or her movies. Your view on her doesn't bother me in the least pal. And the same goes for anyone else's view that likes her. As I said above to each their own. But that doesn't mean I will stop voicing my dislike for her. It's my right to if I want to. Just like it is anyone else's right to leave positive comments about her all the time if they love her or her movies.

And NONE of my posts have ever challenged the view of someone on here that liked her. Not one single post of mine. If I respond first to someone it is kept to the subject matter. But I have some members on here challenging my view because it is a negative one. Thinking that my opinion is wrong. And I dont act like that against anyone [not untill it happens to me first]. I am not refering to you by the way pal :thumbsup:

By the way to answer your question: I refer to her as Jovobitch because it rhymes with Jovovich. I respect those I like, and I respect those that dont destroy things I love [i.e games that have been turned to movies that are not shit]. And I also respect those that do not try and aggravate me when I voice my own view.

Jovo has annoyed me along with her puny husband and what both of them did with Resident Evil. And also Jovo's comment on the Resident Evil franchise stating: who wants to see serious things in Resident Evil?. This was said by her in the Empire movie magazine when asked why the series went the sci-fi action road instead of horror.

You can love her all day long pal. I have no problem with that what so ever.

People that love her will be left alone if they leave me alone [meaning no attacking and keeping it on topic].