Jian Ghomeshi trial - Legitimate Crime or Feminist Bullshit?

I figure as a forum for discussing politics/law, one that also involves kinky sex is a perfect topic. Throw in a couple of celebrities for good measure.
We have some sharp legal minds here so I thought this might be up your alley.


This story basically ruled the news cycle in Canada for most of this year. The reason I bring it up now is because a verdict is due by the end of the week.

I'd suggest you Google to get more info, but in a nutshell:
Ghomeshi was the host of a well known Radio Talk Show on CBC (The state-funded national broadcaster of Canada). In 2014 he was fired, purportedly from allegations of an ex-girlfriend that he assaulted her. Once this went public, more women started coming forward with allegations. He fought back with a defamation suit but in November was arrested for 4 counts of sexual assault and 1 count of choking on allegations from 3 women, all of which is plead not guilty. Despite all the women that came forward, it ended up with only these 3 whose cases were strong enough to be included in the case, most notably an actress from Trailer Park Boys, who was the only one who agreed to have her name published. Trial went on for a week in February with a full media circus, and a verdict is expected to be handed down on March 24th.

I find this case fascinating for a bunch of reasons. This isn't your "Bill Cosby" case. Most significantly, Gomeshi isn't saying these rough sex acts never occurred, he's saying it was 100% consensual. What makes it different from your regular douche is that there is TONS of evidence supporting him, from Emails, Tweets, facebook posts and even handwritten letters before and AFTER the alleged assaults from these women telling Gomeshi they enjoyed it and wanted to see him again. These continued not for days, but even a year after the fact.
Even worse, it was discovered that the witnesses were in constant contact around the time of the trial. I've read the emails and they are pretty hard evidence that the witnesses were colluding. One of the witnesses even told police she didn't contact Gomeshi after the incident because she was traumatized, but it then came out that she kept writing emails and other forms of contact with him expressing she wanted to do it again.
And of course, you have the fact that there's an actress who's been benefiting from all the media attention.
But even with all this evidence there are die hard feminists who spout that because these women had the courage to come forward, they must be telling the truth.

Me personally, I get there are cases where abused women stay in a relationship for various reasons. But these weren't serious relationships, in fact there were more like booty calls. Plus I have to think, with all the written communication saying they ENJOYED the experience and wanted to do it again, exactly what do these people think is indicative of consent?
If he's found guilty guys will be getting women to sign a letter of consent every time they sleep with someone.

Bets on the verdict?
Really, nobody?

Come on people! If you ever want kinky sex next time you're in Canada, this is the case you'll need to know what to do to avoid jail!