Jeremy Kyle Show to launch in the US

Heh ... heh .... haha ... HA! .... HAHAHA!! ...... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ........ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!





On behalf of all the peoples of Great Britain, I apologies to you our american cousins.

A few posties before I gotta bail for workzor.....This guy Jeremy is a tool. At least Jerry doesnt come across condescending and has a laugh, This pretenious toolbag your getting now takes himself too seriously in his moral stances yet the sod obviously doesnt give a rats ass.

Drama and misery are his trade and BUSINESS IS GOOD!


My Penis Is Dancing!
About time we send the UK a package deal of Larry the Cable Guy and Glenn Beck.
Enjoy, America! Actually sometimes the show does make me laugh, but there is noone in the whole word i would love to punch more than him.
Good luck with any show over here that hopes to garner a profit by airing the tawdry lives of demented attention whores. It'll never happen.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I don't trust people with a first name for a first name and first name for a last name.