Jenna's weight appears to be ongoing issue



Saw these pics of Jenna Jameson online today. It doesn't look like her weight problems are getting any better. It's a shame, because Jenna is a living legend - I hate to see her suffering from body image issues. I started a thread a while back, when I noticed she had gone through a dramatic period of weight loss. Back them she claimed her divorce was taking a toll on her weight, but I haven't heard any further comment. I hope it's nothing terribly serious, but it definitely appears to be an ongoing problem. Hope she gets the help she needs, and it isn't a serious eating disorder or drug-related problem. :(


Closed Account
eek she is really getting skinny and It dont look good at all. :eek:
It's just disappointing because she had such a wonderful, voluptuous body. The worst part for me is that her face has gotten so skinny, and those ridiculous lips look out of place.

Jenna, no!

Of course, tempering that, how old are those bikini pics?



knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah, its always sad to see this kind of thing. im not a fan of her in anyway, but fuck man, eat something.


Do we really need another thread on her weight problem?

Just thought her fans might want an update. :dunno: I'm not personally a big fan of Jenna's, but she's a legend and a valuable part of the industry.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
:eek::eek: That's scary.
Can we do better than worrying about a porn star's weight? She's been through gang bangs, rough anal and other extremes. I sure she'll be just fine.
Jesus she used to be my favorite star, but now I can't even look at her. I mean hell, theres always a McDonalds or Pizza place somewhere close by, maybe she should go find it and order the biggest thing on the menu.
Come on... nowhere near as horrendous as some of you are making out, but yes, she's obviously nothing like her former glory.

As for the burger comments, if only eating disorders/drug/image problems were that easy to solve. ;)


Do we really need another thread on her weight problem?

Well, since most people that replied seem interested, I guess we do.

If you don't like it..don't read it.

Though I see your point to some extent. And usually one thread per person is appropriate.
But Jenna is a legend and if there can be seemingly dozens of threads about Paris Hilton, then Jenna Jameson deserves at least as many. Especially on a porn chat forum like this one.


It's just disappointing because she had such a wonderful, voluptuous body. The worst part for me is that her face has gotten so skinny, and those ridiculous lips look out of place.

Jenna, no!

Of course, tempering that, how old are those bikini pics?


I agree 100%.
It's amazing how some women look better really skinny. And some do not. She, clearly, does not.

But like xxaru typed, can anyone be sure it is not drugs? It sure would make sense.