Ok, you keep trashing Iran, it's obvious you watch too much CNN which is biased to Iran for having more resources then the States.
Firstly, for Israel and the Palestinians to settle by themselves would involve all of the Middle East bombing the shit out of Israel, why? Because they would if it wasn't for the US.
Secondly, Iran has the same reason to create nuclear power as we do? Why are we special? How did we become the controllers of the "free" world?? They build nuclear power as do we, it's the cleanest form of energy as long as you know how to dispose of the waste.
And yes, it can create nuclear bombs, are you surprised that they are? I mean, the US has 16 000 nuclear warheads, Russia has 22, 000 and Iran NONE as we speak. Yet you don't say shit about Russia, why? Because they can fuck us up! And that's the point, picking on the guy that can't do anything to protect himself.
And to Philbert: I'd do the exact same if someone stole my land and kicked me out. How can people forget that???? Tell me, indulge me, I'd love to know. If I came to Texas with 100 000 men and kicked you all out and said "this is my land" I'm sure your Texan blood would constantly attack to get your shit back.
No offense Phil, but using a Jewish site to show that Israel is right is like trapping someone who doesn't agree with Israel and then calling them an anti smite because the info you gave is from a religious view.
And you're link doesn't work.
Also, you're link is the equivalent of myself believing there are WMD's in Iraq, when it's proven they are not.
Once again, keep the word "Jew" out of this, unless you're wanting to trap people and make them look anti "jew".
Jew is a religion, this war is about land. Which if you look at history, belongs to the Palestinians. How hard is that to look up, it's fact for fuck sake!
I could make a career out of pointing out how silly most of your points are...I have no interest.
Try the link, I went there and it worked.
Actually, the site doesn't use misinformation, only data to support their view of things...the info is correct and tells a clear story.
BTW...while Hamas and the other Islamic slaughter monkeys don't care if they kill Jews or anyone else, it's mostly Jews who are being targeted using Jews as a source or a reference is not only OK, it's reasonable.
Got a problem with Jews? Let it out...