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Israeli Attacks Gaza Strip, Killing 200+

Also, one should be careful not to vilify the history of Israel. The history of all nations is as much a story of missteps, miscalculations and unintended consequences as it is a story of glory and triumph. While I believe that Israel has made mistakes on certain policy points, I also believe that every decision they've made has been come to with the best interests of their citizens at heart. The same can not be said for certain positions contained in militant-Arab policies.


Staff member
Where did I say that?
Yes. It gives Israel an excuse, albeit a pathetic one, to starve Hamas.
Where did I say it isn't?

Look, I have given up on Israel for now. They were the victims decades ago. Now their the bullies. They are committing atrocities against the Palestinian's by denying them food and rights.
But they will not change. They are too rich and powerful. It is the innocent Palestinian civilians (outside of Hamas) that worry me. They have to convince Hamas to stop this or Israel will never let up.
Well well, I will have to say one thing to you, haven't you ever questioned how the plo money's was managed under Araft? He stole all the money and made his own people starve. It was the role of the PLO, Hamas and Fatah to feed and to take care of their own people and it is not Israel's role to pay food for Palestinians. Hasn't the PLO, the Fatah, the Hamas, the Al Aqsa Martyr Brigades and the Hezbollah committed atrocities against Israel?
You do the same thing FOMM, you seem to victimize the poor Palestinians when their beloved leaders teach their own citizens to suicide bombing, yell "allah akbar" and want so badly to erase Israel from the map. I am sorry but consistently victimizing the poor Palestinians who always infringed and disrespected cease fires and the numerous peace treaties (Including Wye Plantation talks under the Clinton's administration) is very senseless and lame. The UN council is full of Arab Nations who will do their best to make pressure on Israel and now that there is no really a US president that is pro Israel but clearly more pro Arab (Arab nations love Obama), I expect nothing positive for Israel.
I don't expect peace with a country where the government is lead and composed by religious Islamic zealots and who is backed up by Syria, Yemen, Iran and Lebanon whose leaders are also zealots and anti semitic.
Don't jump on me because I expressed my honest opinion.
If Israel let's the Palestinians form their own country (which the Israeli PM admitted must happen eventually) and stops disallowing adequate food and medical supplies in then I will 'get off their back'.

Until then, I won't.

Israel is treating the Palestinians cruelly and have been doing so for decades. And I don't blame the latter one bit for doing stupid and wrong things like rocket attacks.
They are oppressed, hungry, poor, countryless and on their own.
And they are angry and desperate.

I realize I'm changing no one's mind. But, what the heck. :)

Now back to the Rose Bowl...
LBP 76 i am sorry but for a person that say he knows the facts you say alot of stuuf that is groundless.
israel let 100 trucks with supplies inside gazza 2 days ago
israel suggested 48 hours cease fire to let supplies inside gazza strip

as for the suffer of the children you say gazza suffers more
they suffer more becuase they dont resist the Hamas
if the people at gazza will ever resist the hamas and the terror and show that the "little person" wants peace and not the hamas
they will bring the hamas down
they dont do it
so they cant complain

still wondering why you keep coming back with the same answers and ignoring alot of what i say (perhaps no good answer and you just cant admit there is another prespective than the poor palatins ?)
No point arguing with people who call other human beings "animals" or to be "exterminated".
Pointless arguing with such mindless people.
They wouldn't know a debate if it hit them in the head.
LBP 76 i am sorry but for a person that say he knows the facts you say alot of stuuf that is groundless.
israel let 100 trucks with supplies inside gazza 2 days ago
israel suggested 48 hours cease fire to let supplies inside gazza strip

as for the suffer of the children you say gazza suffers more
they suffer more becuase they dont resist the Hamas
if the people at gazza will ever resist the hamas and the terror and show that the "little person" wants peace and not the hamas
they will bring the hamas down
they dont do it
so they cant complain

still wondering why you keep coming back with the same answers and ignoring alot of what i say (perhaps no good answer and you just cant admit there is another prespective than the poor palatins ?)

I refer you to my post just before yours.
No point arguing with people who call other human beings "animals" or to be "exterminated".
Pointless arguing with such mindless people.
They wouldn't know a debate if it hit them in the head.

Exactly! :1orglaugh
And this is why Israel ain't got no choice but to use force against them! cuz it pointless to argue with CREATURES like that:

PS: ain't nothing but peacefull civilians :dunno:


Closed Account
In the O.T. God told Israel the price of disobedience: there would be severe consequences that would escalate as long as Israel failed to listen. FYI, a lot of the reason why Israel went into Babylonian captivity was due to charging of excessive interest, which would lead to economic collapse one way or another. Oppression of the poor. In any case, ultimately, if they continued to disobey, they would be in such a terrible state the nations would look at them in horror. This would seem to have come true in the concentration camps. He also promised He would never stop loving them. Isaiah 43 to 45 talks about restoration.

The early founders and emigrating jews believed literally in the promises of desert being filled with water, a flying wing carrying them back to their own land, etc. And a lot of it does seem to have come true.
How easy it is to ignore conscience and say f*~#k god. It isn't God who wants destruction. Do you honestly think God has nothing better to do than watch people hurt each other? By the way, I have noticed it is almost every time the church that feeds and clothes people.

As I posted before, (but all the missiles went whizzing over my head since then), as a South African example, reconciliation can only come once schools become integrated. Constant media barrage of a unity, not one nation of course as they both think their god wants to destroy the other, but at least unity. Once the children learn and play together, the rest will follow. A new generation will grow up with different ideas to their predecessors.
A "Truth And Reconciliation Committee" like they had in South Africa would go a long way towards opening dialogue, too. It would be an extremely difficult path.
And, oh, once blacks came to power in South Africa, the ANC favoured their own, Xhosa people. Coloureds, (interracial), and Indian people found it just as hard to be employed or promoted as did whites. Zulus were marginalised, hence conflicts in Kwazulu Natal. It is only recently things have improved, particularly with Jacob Zuma, a Zulu, being up for election.

Like on these posted threads, people dig in their heels, then resort to insults. Who said what first is irrelevant to reconciliation. One needs to THINK reconciliation, even from your own country. Eventually, it may be picked up.

As for the actual article posted on top here: it appears that Israel has tried really hard to 1) please its own constituents; 2) warn Hamas; 3) send food and supplies in; 4) do what any nation would do, try to attack the threat.

Only problem, is, violence always leads to violence.

I do believe myself though that Israel should not have built the wall. This brought great hardship to the Palestinians. But then again, I wasn't there at the time. It just seems that they could have tried to increase the prosperity of their neighbours in previous years. How do you do that, though, when so many carry weapons and bombs concealed on their person?
The bible talks of an antichrist who will bring a three year period of peace. Be interesting to see if that happens, whether you believe in the bible or not......;)
The UN is full of Arab states ... and other nations like France, etc ... that are openly anti-semetic.

This is nonsense.

What evidence do you have to say that France is anti-SEMITIC? And some of the Arab States for that matter?

There is this negative American viewpoint of the French, that I believe is nonsense. A lot of it was fueled by our media and the soon to be leaving administration.
And you have a overly simple viewpoint that Arab = anti-Semitic. This is not true. The UN is consisted of many different countries, and a lot of them has criticized Israel. Are they all anti-Semitic? Just because your critical does not mean you are anti-semitic. The UN has also said some things about Hamas over the years as well. They have gone both sides. So I don't think you know what your talking about, really at all.

You seem to have this attitude, giving some of your previous remarks. That its as simple as
Israel = Good, Palestinians (and Hamas) = Bad. Its not, it never was...

I have a little bit more respect for the UN, mainly because there is no other solution, and they do generally serve a good purpose. Should they be abolished?

I do think, (like i have said repeatedly in this topic.) That there needs to be a international force there to stop the violence on both sides.
So for that reason, the UN has been somewhat of a failure. I Just don't think they have done enough (but its not like they have tried). Hopefully, they are more assertive this time...

its just goes on..
Rockets and mortars into Israel as revenge for Israel's revenge which was revenge for...
If any region on earth truly needed a world intervention of an unified police force designed to stop violence on both sides then this is it...........
Exactly! :1orglaugh
And this is why Israel ain't got no choice but to use force against them! cuz it pointless to argue with CREATURES like that:

PS: ain't nothing but peacefull civilians :dunno:

are they even Palestinians?


Its not like both sides dont have finatics. They do.

And parts of both sides think that Europe has been working against them....

and to what mightyduck has said before. I have posted a article in page 3 or 4 that talks about the lack of humanitarian aide coming to Gaza. ...
The wondrous thing about the conflicts in the Middle East is that one can read 1000 books on the subject and still not know precisely what to think. One thing that I know however...."every jw is a warrior".

As for me, I dislike bullies and that is much of the reason for disliking the politics of a certain group. Several groups really.


Coming soon to Gaza...Crucifiction!
Yep...Hamas just passed new laws making Sh'ria the effective law in Gaza...including Crucifiction for "offenses against Islam".
In a slightly amused way I look forward to seeing the apologists and Kumbaya posters explain that away...
What a great bunch of people!
are they even Palestinians?


Its not like both sides dont have finatics. They do.

And parts of both sides think that Europe has been working against them....

and to what mightyduck has said before. I have posted a article in page 3 or 4 that talks about the lack of humanitarian aide coming to Gaza. ...

Every segment of humanity might have fanatics....

...but why is it always the Arabs that seem able to parade their hatred it in the street with impunity while having the support of a huge chunk, if not most of the population around them, and their governing bodies?

In almost anyplace else in the world that is civilized, with almost any other people, acts like that would be shunned and the people doing them would be vilified by their entire society at best. I hate to say it but the fact the people that hate the most get so much support says something to both most Arabs living in the Arab world and the Islamic religious leaders there, and maybe their entire religion also.


For myself, it really comes down to this : Which side of the real estate would I prefer to find myself in, in the event that I were to lose my passport. :D

Religion is the root of all evil

Greed and lust for power are the root of all evil. Some people just use religion as a convenient excuse to justify it.

Thank You, Sir ! That's absolutely true :hatsoff:

Look no further than the Bolshevik Revolution where Marx essentially purged the Russian Orthodox Church from society. The communist government went on to slay some 100 million of it's own citizens.

root of all evil, my arse !!
israel let 100 trucks with supplies inside gazza 2 days ago
2 days? 2 days after months of on and off starving the Gazans? You want credit for that?

When they allow food and medical supplies over for 200 days straight, then I'll give Israel credit.

To knowingly starve innocent civilians is a crime against humanity; no matter what the justification.



Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

Dateline March 9, 2008 The Sunday Times

Hamas wages Iran’s proxy war on Israel
A Hamas leader admits hundreds of his fighters have travelled to Tehran
A Palestinian Hamas militant runs to avoid sniper fire during clashes between Fatah militants and Palestinian security members in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City
Marie Colvin in Gaza City

The Hamas commander was in a hurry. Hunched forward in a navy-blue parka, with the wind-chapped skin and drawn eyes of someone who had been outdoors all night, he had just returned from the front line with Israel. The whine of drones overhead signalled that his enemy was hunting for blood.

For someone who had survived the fiercest fighting between Israelis and Palestinians since 2000 and the deaths of scores of his fellow fighters, the commander, already a senior figure in his late twenties, appeared remarkably composed.

He is in the vanguard of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas which is growing into a disciplined army, trained to fight for victory rather than be consigned to the “martyr’s death” of the suicide bomber.

Israel has long insisted that Iran is behind this training. Last week Yuval Diskin, the head of the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, said as much when he claimed that Hamas had “started to dispatch people to Iran, tens and a promise of hundreds”.


. . .more to it than meets the eye. :yinyang:


Staff member
Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel


. . .more to it than meets the eye. :yinyang:

the main solution to solve this damn conflict is killing all members of the terrorist groups and wrecking the shit out of Iran for once and for all. Ahmadinejhad and Bachar El Hassad are two of the biggest scumbags in the whole middle east.
Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

the main solution to solve this damn conflict is killing all members of the terrorist groups and wrecking the shit out of Iran for once and for all. Ahmadinejhad and Bachar El Hassad are two of the biggest scumbags in the whole middle east.

I have a feeling this will work out Great.:thumbsup:
Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

the main solution to solve this damn conflict is killing all members of the terrorist groups and wrecking the shit out of Iran for once and for all. Ahmadinejhad and Bachar El Hassad are two of the biggest scumbags in the whole middle east.

Fax this to Kissinger and Co. They are looking for future presidential timber.