Islamist Mortarman

Now, in the eyes of Allah, is this guy a martyr or just a moron?
I'm not sure there's a enough left to tell.

But I'd have to say.........................moron.
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more inclined to believe he was on the receiving end of something fired by somebody else, rather than blowing himself up


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I haven't laughed that hard since Chris Benoit's son didn't tap out.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
more inclined to believe he was on the receiving end of something fired by somebody else, rather than blowing himself up

Yeah, mortars NEVER blow up in your face. Especially when your trying to remember your lines. Allah Akbar, Allen Alda ... whoops!
Defective round.

Defective round? Essentially, a mortar is like dropping a bullet into a a barrel with a slightly larger diameter and a fixed pin at the base. A "defective" round would have to be severely overcharged. Or there must be some mortar tube obstruction preventing the round from exiting...possibly carbon from the previous rounds. Maybe Vlad would be able to answer that better.

Dunno. Also don't know why any Insurgents/Taliban would release this.
Defective round? Essentially, a mortar is like dropping a bullet into a a barrel with a slightly larger diameter and a fixed pin at the base. A "defective" round would have to be severely overcharged. Or there must be some mortar tube obstruction preventing the round from exiting...possibly carbon from the previous rounds. Maybe Vlad would be able to answer that better.

Dunno. Also don't know why any Insurgents/Taliban would release this.

Maybe the footage was found after a raid. Some of these bearded dopes are filling the shells with powder themselves. Perhaps someone back in the bomb factory made a boo boo.
Maybe the footage was found after a raid. Some of these bearded dopes are filling the shells with powder themselves. Perhaps someone back in the bomb factory made a boo boo.

Shitouttaluq al-KaBoom

I'm a nerd a guess...I just wish I knew where this was from, how it was obtained, etc. But fuck, even if I was a Muslim...a devout Muslim, that constant Allah Akbar shit would drive me nuts! Maybe that's why so many of them want out.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I've never been anywhere near mortar, and that is perfectly fine with me. Back in the 80's we heard a lot of stories about this shit malfunctioning for one reason or another. Anything from dirt in the tube to a faulty round.
Somewhere I've got a clip of a couple of Chechens trying to fire a recoiless rifle while shouting Allah Snackbar.

The rifle went boom and so did the two Chechens.