or a shopping cart in the background?
Ace Boobtoucher Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol Jan 25, 2010 #1 or a shopping cart in the background? Attachments babycarriareatthebeach.jpg 75.5 KB · Views: 116
L lurkingdirk Jan 25, 2010 #2 Definitely a baby stroller. And she may want to flip over, she looks done on that side. Alternatively, I'm happy to offer myself as a human blanket to shield her. (what an ass she has! :thumbsup
Definitely a baby stroller. And she may want to flip over, she looks done on that side. Alternatively, I'm happy to offer myself as a human blanket to shield her. (what an ass she has! :thumbsup
B BlueBalls Dead Jan 25, 2010 #6 TAKE IT OFF!!! No not you, idiot! TAKE THE PLASTIC RAIN COVER OFF THE STROLLER!!! YOUR KID'S GOING TO ROAST TO DEATH!!!!! Now, back to you .... those are some mighty severe tan lines you've got there. My Advice to you..... PUT IT BACK ON!!!
TAKE IT OFF!!! No not you, idiot! TAKE THE PLASTIC RAIN COVER OFF THE STROLLER!!! YOUR KID'S GOING TO ROAST TO DEATH!!!!! Now, back to you .... those are some mighty severe tan lines you've got there. My Advice to you..... PUT IT BACK ON!!!
tittenman Jan 26, 2010 #7 Who the hell cares! I cant tell from all that glint from her sun tan lotion.